posted on Jun, 20 2010 @ 01:19 AM
I personally don't think that the weather's any crazier than usual, it's just that the usual weather is getting a lot more screen time than they
used to. Just more fear to keep people stirred up.
For example---
I am in southwest Missouri. We get a lot of tornados. We get a lot of flash floods. In the winter, we get ice storms. It's always been that way
and I'm sure always will.
Ten years ago, if you heard a tornado warning on the radio or the TV, it meant that a tornado had actually been spotted somewhere. A tornado watch
meant that weather conditions were favorable for creating them. In the town where I lived, if the tornado sirens went off it meant that not only had
a tornado been sighted, it was close enough (a few miles) to town that you actually ought to take shelter just in case.
Now, when a storm is brewing there are emergency alerts all over the radio before the storm even hits. OMG, there's a thunderstorm coming that could
possibly spawn tornados (it's not here yet, much less spawning tornados) TAKE COVER NOW!!!! IF YOU DON'T TAKE COVER YOU'RE TAKING YOUR LIFE IN
YOUR HANDS!!! ....sometimes before the sky has even clouded up. The tornado sirens go off throughout the entire storm, whether or not a tornado is
ever spotted anywhere. I remember once, a couple of years ago, when the sirens started going off while the sky was STILL CLEAR AND SUNNY, and
continued all through the afternoon and night. They began hours before the storm hit, and continued all afternoon and all night till nearly daylight
when the storm finally wound down.
Tornado sirens. While the sky was still sunny.
It's all about fear.