posted on Jun, 18 2010 @ 09:17 PM
Ya know, I never really thought about it, but what is this guy being held for? Is it because of the emails that he supposedly leaked? Is it because
of the Apache video? What exactly is illegal concerning the leaked Apache video? It showed something wrong being done by the US military. If we
don't have the right to see and know that this is going on, what right do we have? Are we naive enough to still wonder why extremists from other
countries want to cause us harm when we are over in their backyard doing acts like this?
Ron Paul said that our foreign policy gave rise to the attacks of 9/11, and I don't see how you can argue that (if 9/11 wasn't an inside job, but
I'm not getting into that). Regardless, it leads to hate for our country by being over there. Why all the secrecy from our government concerning
the emails? Do we want our government operating 100% behind closed doors? All we ever hear is the fluff and broken promises while the real wheelings
and dealings go on in the back rooms with big corporations.
This "journalist" who turned snitch is a joke. Something is fishy about the whole story and I wonder if this 22 year old military guy had anything
to do with this. Would it be THAT hard to frame a soldier in Iraq through some bogus AIM chats with a random online "journalist"? Was this kid
brainwashed while serving his mandatory time in the psych ward? Is he a government plant? Does he even exist? Seems like he is just out there to
draw criticism to WikiLeaks, who has denied any involvement with the alleged emails.