posted on Jul, 14 2004 @ 05:00 PM
I suppose a young audience might be more drawn to the new version, perhaps finding the original 'dated' as it was made almost fifty years ago. In my
mind however that is their loss as, good as the Coen brothers are, I enjoy their films tremendously, with this movie they are simply trying to put a
new twist on an old idea, in this case transplanting the action to America like they did with the Italian Job. Sometimes it can work but in the main
these 're-imaginings' come across as 'forced' when you are familiar with the orignal. I know a lot of people who dismiss a film because it is old
while happily watching some modern dross (not this film, just a general point) but to me a classic movie is always a classic movie and the Ladykillers
is an Ealing classic in every sense. Can't Hollywood do some NEW stories??