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Citizen's group taking border battle into own hands

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posted on Jun, 20 2010 @ 01:02 AM
reply to post by FeastofTrumpets

The only people who called them Nazi's were.... themselves: National Socialist Movement.

This is their website: ... Notice the swastika.

Their core belief listed on their site: Defending the right of White people.

I mean common people.. it's a no brainer.. and still, people are cheering the Nazi's on! ..

posted on Jun, 20 2010 @ 01:17 AM
National Socialism = Fascism

The FAQ on nsm88's website is a great starting point to help illustrate the mind of this freedumb-fighter at the Arizona border. Fascist Nazi Socialism is the complete antithesis to true Marxist Socialism, and these folks at the border are only attempting to mitigate the symptoms and not eliminate the cause of this strange unrest: Capitalism. However, when one becomes entranced in the trappings of Nazism, with all of the hateful rhetoric, I'm sure gunning down a handful of brown people in the Arizona night may very well be a nice break from the constant realization that your life is a farce and the fleeting glimpses of knowing that your hateful, narcissistic and self-aggrandizing ideals are rotten to the core. White power, my ass. F*ck these people.

[edit on 20-6-2010 by kissy princess]

posted on Jun, 20 2010 @ 01:35 AM

Originally posted by Crunkman919
First, I voted for Obama, but he's not taking the initiative with any of the problems that have surfaced within the past few months, but that's another story.

Correct, it is another story, and that story is titled "The POTUS Is Not A King And Our Government Doesn't Bow Only To His Whim"

I didn't say that Obama used Jews as scapegoats or anything like that, you did. I just drew some similarities in terms of their ability to move crowds, taking power when each respective nation was weak and promising change.

Exactly, you used banal characteristics of practically every politician known to man to drum up some nonsensical and wholly illogical connection between 2 men who have nothing particular in common.

People in some circles would say that Obama has a socialist agenda, but that's neither here or there.

You are correct in stating that it is neither here nor there because fascism does not equal socialism. Not to mention the fact that People can argue that Obama is a three-headed alien from Neptune, it doesn't make there argument even slightly correct, though. And further, in the USA we have a mixed economy, always have and always will. Take a few parts capitalism, a few parts socialism, etc. and voila, you have yourself a mixed economy.

The other part that I mentioned was in regards to the National Socialist group that is taking part in this endeavor. I hope they don't use it as some type of platform to try and gain power and influence. I doubt that their motives are wholly altruistic

The part I mentioned about

Why would they do something like that when you apparently believe Obama already has? And you surely can't act like it would be a bad thing, you went so far as to infer that our current president was some kind of Hitler Jr. regardless of the fact that he hasn't started any genocidal campaigns against the non-Africans of the world.

[edit on 20-6-2010 by Conqueror of Seth]

[edit on 20-6-2010 by Conqueror of Seth]

posted on Jun, 20 2010 @ 02:38 AM
There will be a day when Nazis, Jews, Blacks and Latinos fight side by side for a common goal.

I wouldn't have any problem protecting the border with them, doesn't mean I agree with them, but it is a common goal.

posted on Jun, 20 2010 @ 03:10 AM
reply to post by xstealth

Are you suggesting this is "the enemy of my enemy is my friend"? I fail to see the logic in helping advance the Neo Nazi cause just to give yourself the illusion of safety.

Because without solving the root causes of the issue, you're never going to stop illegal immigration, nor are you going to stop the drug cartels. Without addressing the root cause of the problem, all you are treating is the symptom and that is as bad as the nothing the federal government is doing.

[edit on 6/20/2010 by whatukno]

posted on Jun, 20 2010 @ 04:32 AM
crunkman youre what this world needs, too bad people on the this thread will tell you lies which are irrational with the actual important things at hand. then try to sway the way you think into the wrong direction..

youre not like other people in a sense where they try to sugarcoat things which are crucial, when does gullible brainwashing ever cease to exist? never.

corruption, within our country is what were seeing.

in our history books, they forgot to add that the NAZIS just reloacted to america. a dire mistake, they forgot alot of things actually...

posted on Jun, 20 2010 @ 05:24 AM
I want to know the following:

why is a white person labeled a racist, neo nazi, etc etc if they talk about being sick of borders being over run by ...


I go to a store (kmart, walmart, grocery stores, etc) and find the following on the racks in the free magazine section next to recyclers, classified ads, phone books, apartment rental magazines, etc:

"Latino Weekly" "African American Monthly" and so forth.

Why in america, is it perfectly acceptable for these two examples to literally put their printed word out there, and no one blinks a eye? but if you printed up a "Caucasian Weekly" featuring a all white all american family (mom, dad, boy and girl sitting on a lawn) and stuck it next to those, the fur would fly!

"racists!" "neo nazis!" "pigs!" "wackos!"

pick any word you can think to hurl, because someone will. Have I woken up on the wrong planet? Hell, if anyone mentions what I mention here about the magazines above (and i've seen many variants of them around town here) You are still called a racist! "why can't they have it! are you a racist?"

then that begs the question, why can't white people have their own "white power" magazine?

Like it or not, even if all it has is black business men/women on the cover and reviews of local stage shows with a all black cast or hispanics on the cover talking about issues affecting their community, it is a black/hispanic power magazine....

it's targeted towards a specific demographic, and is obviously designed to make the community feel "united". so why is it "united" with them and "racist" if you are white?

asians, hawaiians, filipinos, africans, east indians and so forth all tend to publish their own newspapers/magazines/etc that support their communitys. Why is it any of them are fond of whipping out the race card towards whites?

This country is a cess pool.... so much for multiculturalism!

posted on Jun, 20 2010 @ 06:07 AM
reply to post by churchofthepoisonmind

why is a white person labeled a racist, neo nazi, etc etc if they talk about being sick of borders being over run by ...

Well, when the "Citizens group" ARE Neo Nazi's it is perfectly acceptable to call them such.

posted on Jun, 20 2010 @ 06:35 AM

Originally posted by Rockpuck
reply to post by jfj123

The Government has money, sure.. Politicians however do not have an endless supply. It's been proven many times over the years, politicians accept bribes. I'd bet more than half accept them on a regular basis. The idea of a multibillionaire drug cartel bribing the most corrupt political body in the World does not seem far-fetched to me. Looking at their policies... I'd say it's quite obvious.

There's a difference between an individual accepting a bribe and an entire government accepting money.

posted on Jun, 20 2010 @ 06:55 AM
so after all the hype of "covert stuff" & snipers whats the latest?

How many scalps have the HITLER YOUTH managed to bag?

Or will they just forget to release that sort of information?

it's the usual racist BS promising a bloodbath from the comfort of moms front room

posted on Jun, 20 2010 @ 06:57 AM

Originally posted by churchofthepoisonmind
I want to know the following:

why is a white person labeled a racist, neo nazi, etc etc if they talk about being sick of borders being over run by ...


I go to a store (kmart, walmart, grocery stores, etc) and find the following on the racks in the free magazine section next to recyclers, classified ads, phone books, apartment rental magazines, etc:

"Latino Weekly" "African American Monthly" and so forth.

Why in america, is it perfectly acceptable for these two examples to literally put their printed word out there, and no one blinks a eye? but if you printed up a "Caucasian Weekly" featuring a all white all american family (mom, dad, boy and girl sitting on a lawn) and stuck it next to those, the fur would fly!

"racists!" "neo nazis!" "pigs!" "wackos!"

pick any word you can think to hurl, because someone will. Have I woken up on the wrong planet? Hell, if anyone mentions what I mention here about the magazines above (and i've seen many variants of them around town here) You are still called a racist! "why can't they have it! are you a racist?"

then that begs the question, why can't white people have their own "white power" magazine?

Like it or not, even if all it has is black business men/women on the cover and reviews of local stage shows with a all black cast or hispanics on the cover talking about issues affecting their community, it is a black/hispanic power magazine....

it's targeted towards a specific demographic, and is obviously designed to make the community feel "united". so why is it "united" with them and "racist" if you are white?

asians, hawaiians, filipinos, africans, east indians and so forth all tend to publish their own newspapers/magazines/etc that support their communitys. Why is it any of them are fond of whipping out the race card towards whites?

This country is a cess pool.... so much for multiculturalism!
Go make a thread if you want to rant and rave about the stupidity of political correctness. This thread is about a citizen group being led by a member of the national socialist movement (aka neo nazis) doing what the government should be doing. It's bad enough there are people out there foolish enough to think the bill is racist, and stuff like this only fuels their irrational beliefs even further.

posted on Jun, 21 2010 @ 09:52 AM
reply to post by broahes

Although I'm kind of repeating myself, let me try to explain this again. I don't believe people are pro Nazi as much as they are angry at the government's apathy related to the border. As I say, the Republicans want cheap slave labor, and the Democrats want cheap votes.

What's going on here is the same thing that happened in the 1930's. As Italy and Germany was pulling out of the depression with their new type of governments called facism, we were falling into the Great Depression due to FDR's failed economic policies.

People here started to think that facism was the way of the future. There was a group called the Bund who became so popular they were able to draw 20,000 people to Madison Square Garden on Washington's Birthday, Feb 20, 1939.

Remember, this was before the holocaust, and before people here knew of the atrocities going on over there.

When people are desperate, they will do things they wouldn't normally do. The Germans didn't fall for Hitler because they were into evil, the accepted him because they were a hungry and broken people and he lifted them up. They say if Hitler would have died after the West gave him the Sudetenland, he would have been remembered as a hero, as the holocaust didn't happen yet.

My quote from George Santayana is more relevant today than ever.

If we experience hyperinflation due to the massive government spending, which we should be more worried about than Mexicans, history may repeat itself, ie: Weimar Germany.

posted on Jun, 21 2010 @ 10:02 AM
reply to post by MCAinSTL

My thoughts exactly, here we have an issue, and there is a group with sinister motives who is more than willing to solve the problem, the price is however in my opinion far too high.

posted on Jun, 21 2010 @ 10:11 AM
reply to post by whatukno

Also, let's not forget, for facism to work, they need a group to hate. Hitler used Jewish people. They were easy targets because they were self-segerated in areas called ghettos in European cities.

In this case, any future facist has an easily identified group, Hispanics, to use as a focus of hate.

Don't misunderstand, I feel we need to solve the border problem, I suggested an idea in a previous post, so I won't repeat myself.

Problem is, TPTB won't give any real, workable solutions to the problem.

posted on Jun, 21 2010 @ 12:08 PM
reply to post by Gmoneycricket

Well, there you go. The SPLC- the ABSOLUTE, #1, UNDISPUTED gererater of HATE in America!!! Morriss Dees- Criminal/Rascist Mastermind, incomparable!

Guess I'd be joining the "minutemen"- IF I wasn't already in a militia!

posted on Jun, 23 2010 @ 12:09 PM
I cannot endorse any of the ideologies to which Ready's group adheres, but at this point, the federal government is siding with the mexican government against the people of the USA, which is nothing short of treason. They are intentionally failing to uphold standing federal immigration law which is mirrored in most states. Therefore, I will endorse the ACTIONS of anyone willing to throw in on the effort to right this atrocity, regardless of their MOTIVATION or IDEOLOGIES. When a people's government is no longer of the people by the people and for the people, and declares de facto war on the people, the ensuing struggle is sure to make for strange bedfellows.

[edit on 23-6-2010 by belowcommonknowledge]

posted on Jun, 23 2010 @ 01:23 PM

Originally posted by churchofthepoisonmind
I want to know the following:

why is a white person labeled a racist, neo nazi, etc etc if they talk about being sick of borders being over run by ...


I go to a store (kmart, walmart, grocery stores, etc) and find the following on the racks in the free magazine section next to recyclers, classified ads, phone books, apartment rental magazines, etc:

"Latino Weekly" "African American Monthly" and so forth.

Why in america, is it perfectly acceptable for these two examples to literally put their printed word out there, and no one blinks a eye? but if you printed up a "Caucasian Weekly" featuring a all white all american family (mom, dad, boy and girl sitting on a lawn) and stuck it next to those, the fur would fly!

"racists!" "neo nazis!" "pigs!" "wackos!"

pick any word you can think to hurl, because someone will. Have I woken up on the wrong planet? Hell, if anyone mentions what I mention here about the magazines above (and i've seen many variants of them around town here) You are still called a racist! "why can't they have it! are you a racist?"

then that begs the question, why can't white people have their own "white power" magazine?

Like it or not, even if all it has is black business men/women on the cover and reviews of local stage shows with a all black cast or hispanics on the cover talking about issues affecting their community, it is a black/hispanic power magazine....

it's targeted towards a specific demographic, and is obviously designed to make the community feel "united". so why is it "united" with them and "racist" if you are white?

asians, hawaiians, filipinos, africans, east indians and so forth all tend to publish their own newspapers/magazines/etc that support their communitys. Why is it any of them are fond of whipping out the race card towards whites?

This country is a cess pool.... so much for multiculturalism!

In Midland, TX, they are having a similar debate. There are two chambers of commerce. The "official" one, and the Hispanic one. Most people have to join both chambers, or risk disenfranchising a segment of the community. It is nothing more than a shake down.

There is nothing that the Hispanic chamber does that the regular chamber should not do. In my town, our chamber is headed by a hispanic lady (highly respected, i love her to death). We don't seem to have any hispanic people feeling unrepresented. Of course, in my town half the businesses are hispanic owned, and the other half are white/indian/corporate.

In my entire life, i have never seen hispanic folks act like they were being held down, or treated badly. I have always seen them take any bad treatment with grace, and work harder to overcome any setbacks. I have always had VERY high respect for teh hispanic culture for the grace with which they deal with the same racial problems that any other minority struggles against.

My opinion is mostly unchanged. It is groups like LULAC and the Mexican government who are driving this divisiveness. Somewhere along the way, someone labeled Mexican people as "migratory workers". It has been downhill ever since.

posted on Jun, 23 2010 @ 02:14 PM
As a former AZ resident and from my own experience, this is not always a racial issue for people in AZ. It is an issue of safety and law (or rather lawlessness). Federal agents have tried to perform their jobs and they get shot at. One was killed in 2002, Kris Eggle, and part of the Organ Pipe Cactus National Monument has been closed to the public ever since. (look at the national parks websites for those on the border. Each site has a section for "your safety". In that section you will see which roads have been closed.)

If you don't like the current immigration laws, it's up to you to change them. It is NOT your right to ignore them, or to help others ignore them. We aren't a country of lawlessness (at least not yet). Change it if you don't like it.

The problem with all this Nazi talk is that this situation could explode into a very racial episode where Americans of Latino decent will be in danger. To enforce our laws, enforcement officers ask for identification and go through the red tape. Militia groups will not be asking for identification. So the best way to protect illegal immigrants is to either change the law or enforce the law with trained enforcement officers.

Anyone who supports illegal immigration and lawlessness is creating a worst case scenario. Militias are only responding to the created and very avoidable situation.

Side note: another thread mentioned how the Navy is not participating in the Gulf cleanup and implied they are being held back for an unknown reason..... also it was mentioned that Japan in WWII did not have a land war on US soil because they were afraid of our militias. Could these dots be connected? Could TPTB want to see how strong our militias are these days? (just a thought)

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