posted on Jun, 18 2010 @ 01:46 AM
I hope many will discussed with their families, relatives and friends to write in to their elected representatives to free Bradly Manning.
He is a brave individual and an American. He did not sell national secrets, but exposed criminal and murdering activities within the US military, whom
are an institution paid by taxpayers hard earned money to do the right thing and not the criminal thing.
He is entitled to a fair trial, not from a biased military court but a civilian one. Either he be found guilty, exposing even more criminal activities
of the US military or he should be freed immediately to speak freely as a citizen is rightfully entitled to.
If we failed to do even this, then one day when TPTB decides to hold us, they will be no one to defend us, with the sacred Constitution ripped to
shreds. It's almost already that as one moronic ex-president claim it was just a piece of paper.