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Someone, inlight me from these dark clouds...

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posted on Jun, 17 2010 @ 09:26 PM
Hi Bts, I've been around these forums for around 1 year now, and I didn't post much. Now that so many things happened in the last month, I want Answers or Comments.

-Nothing I will say is fake or false
-If you want to scream that I'm an idiot, do it, I won't care.
-I'm young and english is my second language, don't judge!

Do you sometimes think about something, or tell something to a friend like : You will get an accident tomorrow, and it happens? Well, that's what's going on with me. Not only sometimes... Every single weeks, it happens. Here a few of my ''predictions''

-I was walking with a friend, telling him that sometimes I was saying something and it was happening. He was alot skeptic. So I said : Look, the next 2 cars will be blue. Just as I said that, 2 blue cars got in the street. One guy kept driving, the other one got in his parking.

-Walking with another friend, we were singing a Pokemon song, but instead of lyrics, which we didn't know, we sang numbers. At the very same time, I said : 2/7 while he said 27. We were quite amazed! ...It's only later in the day I noticed it was the date of my birthday... 2/7

-I was hanging in front of my home with a friend. I wanted to amaze her, as it was a date. A floor lamp light was flashing A lot. I said : It will stop right NOW!... After my ''Now'', the lamp simply closed... Was the perfect timing to kiss her!

-I was walking all alone, in the street, coming back from school, and the school bus was at my back, and soon passed me. When I first heard it, I thought about something : What if someone throws me something? As I thought about that, I leaned my head by the right... I avoided a green apple that would hit me right on the head.

-It was around midnight, and I was with a friend, sat on grass. We were tired of doing nothing. I said something like : It would be awesome if a friend was passing by! ...Just as I said that, We saw 2 of my friends walking... One was drunk, the girl was just normal. The funny thing about this one is that later in the night, I said : Watch the sky, Fred. He watched the star, and I dont know what in hell happened, we saw a Comet passing by. A shooting star the size of my fist.

Well, that's only few exemples, I can't think of more at the moment. I hope you guys leave sweet comments and can answer my question : What the hell is wrong with me?



[edit on 17-6-2010 by 44drake44]

[edit on 17-6-2010 by 44drake44]

[edit on 17-6-2010 by 44drake44]

posted on Jun, 17 2010 @ 10:01 PM
Enjoy it when it is good stuff. If you overthink it, it is more likely to go away. Maybe you have a really well developed intuition.

My son has a little bit of what you talk about. Except just with people. He will think of, or mention someone he hasn't seen in a long time, and then they show up the next day.

Go with it, nurture it, don't overthink it. It is a good thing.

posted on Jun, 17 2010 @ 10:02 PM

Originally posted by 44drake44

-Walking with another friend, we were singing a Pokemon song, but instead of lyrics, which we didn't know, we sang numbers. At the very same time, I said : 2/7 while he said 27. We were quite amazed! ...It's only later in the day I noticed it was the date of my birthday... 2/7

You don't know the Pokemon lyrics... I'm ashamed. I wish I could explain these things for you, but I can't.

posted on Jun, 17 2010 @ 10:07 PM
reply to post by snowspirit

Thanks Snow Spirit!

You know, the feeling I have when something I said happen, like the floor lamp... It was amazing, but also weird and scary. I wish I could know more about this... ^^

And about you son, I guess he's kind of young? I heard these kind of things happens more likely to kids...

[edit on 17-6-2010 by 44drake44]

posted on Jun, 17 2010 @ 10:08 PM
reply to post by Phlynx

I know the first sentence, but no more!

posted on Jun, 17 2010 @ 10:12 PM
Why would u say dark clouds when each one of these events uplifted u in a personal way,? is there something you are not telling us?

posted on Jun, 17 2010 @ 10:14 PM
The dark clouds of which I'm talking about is the fact that I dont know WHY I can ''Predict'' (If these are predictions) what will happen in the next minute...

posted on Jun, 17 2010 @ 10:20 PM

Originally posted by 44drake44
reply to post by snowspirit

Thanks Snow Spirit!

You know, the feeling I have when something I said happen, like the floor lamp... It was amazing, but also weird and scary. I wish I could know more about this... ^^

And about you son, I guess he's kind of young? I heard these kind of things happens more likely to kids...

[edit on 17-6-2010 by 44drake44]

He is in his mid twenties now. He started noticing this since his mid teens. It has never made him nervous at all, which is why I think he still has the gift.

When he was 7 and 8, we lived in a house which an elderly lady had died in, his bedroom actually, and his friends refused to ever spend the night, scared. He used to tell them she was nice, cause one morning he woke up and found a silver arrowhead pendent in his room, which was identical to one that his father had, which was still put away in a box. He showed me the pendant and I pulled his dad's out of the box, and we compared the two. It was strange, they were identical.

posted on Jun, 17 2010 @ 10:26 PM
reply to post by snowspirit

This is very strange. The woman was able to duplicate that pendant in a box... Did his father was dead back then? Because I understand that he wasn't living with you?

posted on Jun, 17 2010 @ 10:41 PM

Originally posted by 44drake44
reply to post by snowspirit

This is very strange. The woman was able to duplicate that pendant in a box... Did his father was dead back then? Because I understand that he wasn't living with you?

No, just not together anymore. Somehow I ended up with the pendent in my sewing box though, don't remember why. The pendent was totally unexplainable to both of us.

My son was never religious in any way, but sort of spiritual. His father's side of the family was native west coast Salish, and I think he connects with a spirituality. Plus I always had a strong interest in the paranormal, so he was raised in that setting. Every strange experience nurtures the interest. There is so much we as people don't understand. But it is sooooo interesting

I think many of us have "gifts" of sorts. All different ones. Most people just don't realize it, or don't want to believe in it.

Practice, and nurture your talents. Don't question them too much. Don't be scared of them either, someday they could come in really handy, or even save a life, you never know.

posted on Jun, 17 2010 @ 10:48 PM
Practice, and nurture your talents. Don't question them too much. Don't be scared of them either, someday they could come in really handy, or even save a life, you never know.

Thank you, I realize I have so much work to do if I want to awake them more. I shall not be scared because I could save a life or w/e, I never thought about that. Thank you, and may your night be full of sweet dreams!

Good night!

(I'll U2U if you dont mind, I'm highly interested in what your kid has)

posted on Jun, 17 2010 @ 11:00 PM
reply to post by 44drake44

So its like "i don't know why my heart keeps pumping, but it does, so i guess i don't need to know why , just keep pumping"

Not knowing why can be frustrating or dark, but remember sometimes knowing why can lead to knowing who u are, its a journey, so keep it on the light side and may the force be with u. well unless its the , oh never mind lol. just teasing

posted on Jun, 18 2010 @ 12:13 AM
I know exactly how you feel, I also do this same thing...Usually it is something trivial but still spooking in a way...It's kind of like the visions I have. They are always bad......All my visions has come true, except for one..And it is one that hope never happens.............Because it ain't gonna be pretty...

posted on Jun, 18 2010 @ 11:34 AM
Haha, well, let's begin my new journey >.>

And crystalz, None of these predictions were bad at all.. only hum.. stupid, avoiding me getting an apple on the head lol

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