posted on Jun, 17 2010 @ 02:44 PM
I am in agreement with CaptainCaveMan. The purposes for this disaster are twofold: Profit and Transition. I posted something along these lines in
another thread last night, but here's my take on it. Also, I still have not concluded whether or not the explosion and subsequent oil leak were
intentional, but it does not matter. The elites or whatever you wish to call them will find ways to use the situation to their advantage. I'm sure
that, over time, the methods by which they do so will become apparent.
I believe it's safe to say the elites have been peering forward in anticipation of future technologies, cultural trends, and potential needs that may
be demanded by the normal folks like you and I. The whole "global warming" and "green energy" trend has been important to them. So they've likely
been setting themselves up as shareholders, owners, and executive management with companies who are leading the way in these new industries. The
pieces may now be in place, or close to it. Whatever the case may be, this oil leak disaster has presented a beautiful opportunity.
As people observe how the millions of gallons of oil affect the environment, wildlife, and welfare of men and women in the affected areas, a new surge
of demand for "green energy", environmentally friendly products and lifestyles, and the like will become the next big thing. And guess who is going
to be giving it to them? That's right, the elites. They've been preparing for this. So, to be honest, I don't think it matters if it was
intentional or an accident. The elites will profit from it. They profit from anything, regardless of how detrimental it is on people. It's sickening,
but so are they.