Hi all, My name is Chris. I'm cousins with member Romantic_Rebel. Aliens are awesome. As well as Bibcal conspircies. Since I'm a Christian. I'm
into rap music and I write my own lyrics. Life is good right now. Summer is here and I'm on my much needed vacation.
Thanks for the warm welcome. I don't go online much as everyone else. I'm visting John and his family in Sacramento for the Summer. I live with my
Mother in Missouri though or my sister in colrorado. You'll get used to travling around all the time. What's funny is that we're all 21 years old.
Me, John and Josh are only one month apart each.
Wow, it sounds like your family is going to keep you on the move. California, Colorado and Missouri.
Its amazing how people can have their kids at the same time like that, only one month apart. Love must have been in the air at that time for all of
your parents to have concieved all of you at approximately the same time. It also made it a lot nicer for all of you, since you probably like the
same type of stuff, being the same age.
It sounds like you are having a good time seeing relatives and friends.
Family is something else I tell you what. My home is in Missouri and I visit my sister whenever I can. Everyone else is just emails on myspace. I
notice John is more shy and nerdy. While me and Josh are all over the place. I accidentally posted from John's account? how do I transfer it to me?
Thanks! I was on John's account by mistake. I don't know computers at all. On rap I write anything about my life and I try to write Christian raps.
Rap and Christianty is diffcult to put togather.