posted on Jun, 16 2010 @ 11:05 PM
Body parts - arms and legs picked clean by the fish
have been coming ashore in Guolf Shores Alabama
since LAST Friday - June 11, 2010.
Helmets and debris from the oil rig also - and yet -
the PRESS in Mobile, AL - Pensacola, FL and New Orleans
have seemingly IGNORED this news.
I have contacted ALL of them, television and newspapers.
My source for this horrifying news?
Friends who work on the hazmat crews on the beach.
What is / was protocol ?
Was the local POLICE called - body parts found on the beach??????
Answer: No.
Was the FBI contacted ? Answer: No.
What happened to the bones?
Do the families know?
Are they in a dumpster?
If they were my brother's arm, my Father's leg, or my husband's arm or my best friends femure I"D BE EVEN MORE LIVID than I am NOW.
I have ATTEMPTED since I was told about
one of the worst days in their lives.
I have made MANY calls and EMAILS and POSTINGS
to get this STORY no alsas.
This is an example of the TRUE POWER
of BP - over their SUB CONTRACTORS -
over the PRESS.
God Help Us.
[edit on 16-6-2010 by F.A.Williams]