posted on Jun, 16 2010 @ 03:09 PM
I dont worry too much about what I cannot change.
I do my best to change what I can affect though, and therein lies my only weapon. I read up on the conspiracies, more as food for thought. I never
take anything i read to literally.
We certainly do live in interesting times though. What were conspiracies one decade are fact the next, and this is happening at even faster rate, I
Im confortable with myself as a loving human being, so if the TSHTF and I dont die, i know that i will be a valuable member to any tribes that reform
in the aftermath, heck, i might start my own
That being said, Id rather we humans beings solve our problems through the give and take of diplomacy. We certainly need to learn to get along, we
have been at civilization for over 6000 years, you would think we would have learned to play nice by now
[edit on 16-6-2010 by Le Colonel]