posted on Jun, 16 2010 @ 04:38 PM
It´s really sad to see peoplo worried about #ing money and forgetting to look around to other things, I believe this is what jacque fresco was trying
to say that if you take the money out of question, people start to create different interest on different subjects. That´s why our heavy thinkers are
not even close to be smart as a person 100 years ago. They say a lot of BS that we have better technoly and blah blah blah, but in ancient times, man
had to know about chemestry, about arts, philosophy, algebra, those who really wanted something great about life, wouldn´t care about becoming a
millionaire, the only wanted to know the truth, the maning of life, and I believe that by having a monetary system, and the ShowbIZZZ takes people
focus away from the real truth, and by making mankind dumb, the bankers control the masses. the results we can se even on this website that was
suppost to be about alternative topics, and philosophy, ufos, aliens, and anot a place to people gather up and discuss about the rotten world we are
not a part. those who say it´s necessary to discuss such subjects, are the more tempted to be corrupted by the system, in a weird way, they have this
sick dependence on following everystep of the top 1%, on the first chance they have, they ´ll grasp this opportunity and go to the other side because
it´s more convenient. wake up people, you´re doing wxactly what they want you to do.