posted on Jun, 16 2010 @ 03:22 AM
Hello ATS. I have been surfing this site for almost 4 years and now feel I may be of some help. I am 24, from Niagara Falls ON born and raised but I
have a ton of family all over the USA. I have learned buttload of good stuff here on ATS and now hope to partake in the discussions. After my roomies
and I witnessed the ""UFO" over Niagara Falls : Video" phenomenon earlier tonight and digging for any relevant info on it, I got only more
questions. So here I am to answer any questions about my experience. We only seen it for 10 mins before it faded but its almost identical to the vids
on youtube. I have made a reply in the original "UFO" over Niagara Falls : Video thread I will elaborate more there If anyone has any questions.
Till then thanks for taking the time to read my intro.