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What have you heard???

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posted on Jun, 11 2004 @ 12:52 PM
What have you heard???

Put it here and tell us all what crazy things youve been hearing in the old rumor mill!

OK! I heard that about 62 levels down under Area 51 there is an underground base with 20,000 Alien Beings that love strawberry ice cream.

They are animals like we are and not supernatural.

They are exrtaterrestrial beings.

Some Aliens ar 5000 years old and can live 10,000 years old!

They are from a nearby star system and may be able to warp space to travel here.

They can render themselves invisible and pass thru solid matter using a device.

They have materials that can liquefy and resolidify.

A shape memory liquid alloy.

The USA Government denies it!

posted on Jun, 11 2004 @ 01:07 PM
They have materials that can liquefy and resolidify.

A shape memory liquid alloy.

We have the ability to do this

posted on Jun, 11 2004 @ 02:04 PM
We can melt an alloy and when it hardens, it can re-shape itself back into it's original shape??????

If it exists it would be a Titanium Alloy!

The Naval Weapons Research Laboratory discovered Nitinol when they made small alloy sample for hardness testing.

They punched a dent into a metal cylinder test sample and put it on the windowsill and went to have lunch.

After they came back the Sun had heated up the samples and the Nitinol ones had no dents!

The dents had erased themselves!

And so began the Memory Metal story!

And you may own eyeglass frames may be made of these Memory Metals or Shape Memory Alloy.

I do not use Titanium frames cause they are too expensive and they do not last any longer than stainless steel.

I get my frames cheap at Costco.

posted on Jun, 13 2004 @ 10:42 AM
I don't know about the ability to liquefy then resolidify, but I saw a show on thinkn it was science channel, about new metals being tested for cars. The deformed metal strips, heated them up and they went back to their original shape. Sorry no more info, just shortlook durning commercials on another channel.

[edit on 16-6-2004 by mrmonsoon]

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