posted on Jun, 13 2010 @ 10:32 PM
Trying to catch up in RL & having a poocher with a health issue, I haven't been online much lately.
Last night, I discovered that you can no longer watch videos online without downloading Flash 10- not You Tube, not Google Video, not Vimeo, not even
the oil spill feeds on CNN. I don't know when this happened, but it must have been pretty abrupt. Isn't that just a little odd?
I personally hate Flash & I have for so long that I have forgotten why (it may have been that I attributed problems I had with my first Mac- now dead
but for a hard drive in an envelope. I don't know. Part of it is that it is such a damned time waster. When I go to a design related site, or
whatever, that uses Flash, I immediately move on to the competition. Life is just too short for a prolonged & "artistic" intro.)
CNN can shove it, but I AM sorry about the others. I'm sure it will change my enjoyment of the internet (& probably to a great extent how often I am
online), but I will not have Adobe Flash crammed down my throat.
I hope someone (Steve Jobs, maybe? I just read that he hates them, too) sees the monopoly- the tyranny here, and files a lawsuit.
A pox on all their houses!
edit for clarity
[edit on 13-6-2010 by DogsDogsDogs]