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Suddenly (?) You to have Adobe Flash to watch ANY video?

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posted on Jun, 13 2010 @ 10:32 PM
Trying to catch up in RL & having a poocher with a health issue, I haven't been online much lately.
Last night, I discovered that you can no longer watch videos online without downloading Flash 10- not You Tube, not Google Video, not Vimeo, not even the oil spill feeds on CNN. I don't know when this happened, but it must have been pretty abrupt. Isn't that just a little odd?

I personally hate Flash & I have for so long that I have forgotten why (it may have been that I attributed problems I had with my first Mac- now dead but for a hard drive in an envelope. I don't know. Part of it is that it is such a damned time waster. When I go to a design related site, or whatever, that uses Flash, I immediately move on to the competition. Life is just too short for a prolonged & "artistic" intro.)
CNN can shove it, but I AM sorry about the others. I'm sure it will change my enjoyment of the internet (& probably to a great extent how often I am online), but I will not have Adobe Flash crammed down my throat.
I hope someone (Steve Jobs, maybe? I just read that he hates them, too) sees the monopoly- the tyranny here, and files a lawsuit.
A pox on all their houses!

edit for clarity

[edit on 13-6-2010 by DogsDogsDogs]

posted on Jun, 13 2010 @ 10:56 PM
Adobe, like AOL, and all the other big brother pyramid with eye companies know more about us than Microsoft I think.

Google "Adobe Alternatives", I don't have any Adobe, Quicktime, ect and use alternatives so they don't call home each time I turn my computer on and self update with god knows what.

posted on Jun, 13 2010 @ 11:02 PM
I have always needed to use flash for viewing some (most?) videos.

I believe it depends on the webpage you are viewing. Some webpages require Windows Media Player Plug-in (which is already in windows), whereas some webpages require the Flash Player Plug-in.

I totally agree on the annoying flash intros, etc.

posted on Jun, 13 2010 @ 11:05 PM
You can still watch them apparently with the software on my pc. It's old. I'm still using Windows ME. I plan on buying a new pc as soon as I take the time and find a configuration that works for me. My browser on youtube has been unsupported for months. I can still watch videos though. I'm wondering if it's java that is running the videos but I haven't investigated. I do know on some sites a later version of flash or adobe or something has been shown to be needed but it failed to download since my operating system does not support it.

I'm not sure but I believe youtube no longer counts my views in the total video count anymore.

Lol, my computer sometimes seems to have a mind of it's own on occasion so if I have something strange on my pc, it'll suddenly become more powerful when I upgrade soon. I remember years ago I upgraded the AI in some pc games so much that the pc destroyed me in the game in a well coordinated attack. I understood what I did with the AI boost. However I did not understand how the AI in a much older game suddenly learned to duplicate my strategy from previous games. I never upgraded that AI and it wasn't supposed to learn from me. However I don't know what's in the software code so maybe I accidently downloaded a patch sometime to make the AI much more intelligent. I never truly know what the AI is doing.

[edit on 13-6-2010 by orionthehunter]

posted on Jun, 13 2010 @ 11:05 PM
reply to post by DogsDogsDogs

designers and flash go hand in hand .. Steve jobs needs to get over it , designers love its flexibiltiy ....funny how applw are more microsoft than microsoft , I used to be a fanboy but have seen the light......years ago

posted on Jun, 13 2010 @ 11:07 PM

Originally posted by At0mZer0

Google "Adobe Alternatives", I don't have any Adobe, Quicktime, ect and use alternatives so they don't call home each time I turn my computer on and self update with god knows what.

I don't like programs updating themselves either. Use a third-party firewall (I use Comodo) to restrict which programs are allowed to access the internet.

posted on Jun, 13 2010 @ 11:20 PM
I just checked, youtube videos still run fine. All the comments and some other features don't show up right but I can watch the videos ok. I saw a message that my browser would soon be unsupported several weeks ago or months ago. Then it became unsupported. I can't upgrade without upgrading the operating system and it doesn't make sense to do that with an old pc. I'm using an old version of Firefox and an old version of Internet Explorer. I can't access with the current version of Firefox I have. Other than a few glitches and a few things that won't run on different sites, I still spend more than I probably should surfing youtube videos. I need to take time to buy that new pc sometime.

Is flash required to play youtube videos now? I'm wondering if this is something against the Ipad because the Ipad does not have flash.

[edit on 13-6-2010 by orionthehunter]

posted on Jun, 14 2010 @ 01:29 AM
Thanks for Y'All's replies. Maybe I need to clear a bunch of stuff off & reboot. Every video I saw (which isn't a whole lot. One linked from GCaptain, the CNN oil feed & then I checked Google vid & Vimeo just to see what happened) did the 'you must have Flash 10' Sounds like there's hope yet!

lol Windows is my nemesis. It drives me insane. I switched to Mac out of desperation (to escape Microsoft) & fell in love because they're sooo easy. It's probably a waste for me to have one cause all I use it for is email/ dog rescue & news/ information/ a phone book.
If & when I have the time, I want to switch to Ubuntu/ Unix at least to try it.

Thanks again!

edit to complete a sentence

[edit on 14-6-2010 by DogsDogsDogs]

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