posted on Jun, 13 2010 @ 04:01 PM
me and my aunt have been interested in paranormal for a long time, me with a curiosity but with the perception of a dead seagull, my aunt more medium
like (she predicted all the deaths in my family).
she has been haunted her whole life by her mother, a violent psycopathic (my aunt is 65, the mother 99 and with no intention of letting it go), has
made her life a hell since an early age.
with a regressive hypnosis, turns out they met at a marketplace in holland, where the mother was a gipsy woman doin' every type of black magic, and
my aunt fell in love with her son. the son died and the mother sent a kind of magic on her.
in many lives they have met with horrible results.
so, now that the mother is so old, my aunt is in the fear that, when both will be dead, they will meet again. she has a clear conscience, because she
have always benn loving with the mother, but doesn't want to meet her again.
i ask you this: is there something that can be done to stop this from happening.
thank you very much with all the answers.