posted on Jun, 13 2010 @ 05:27 PM
here is a poem i wrote, several years ago:
all life is sacred
all divisions are man-made
life is death is life
virtue is bad is good is evil
right is often wrong
truth be known
all good sons fall from the start
freedom will only take flight
when unity raises
a flaming Phoenix
from the ashes of duality and schism
the line after "truth be known" was originally:
"Jesus was Satan at the start"
(or something very close to that)
but because i realized i was repelling the very ones that this message was being delivered to,
through me, i changed the words a little.
sometimes the message is just to strong for a young or weak stomach and since the goal is to GENTLY SOFTLY lead rather than to abruptly wrestle and
tug...i changed it!
i liked it better the first way i had written it, but it isn't about me, so oh well - but in truth, it applies to everyone with these words, instead
of just one, which is always better, in the end, i think!