posted on Jun, 12 2010 @ 02:31 PM
I'm not sure where I'll be going with this, but I'm going all the same.
Let's start connecting the dots here. Firstly we had Katrina, some believe that it was a too perfect storm, and possibly man made. It wiped out quite
a bit, and led to many moving away. This however, doesn't not negate the fact that humanity continued in the region, rebuilt, firm in their stance to
stay where they called home.
Now we have the Deepwater Horizon. Now...let's propose that this was indeed an inside job of sorts, not an accident by any means. Look at how it's
been handled by private corporation, our government and our media. We have a swirling vortex of continuing lies and deceit. It will not get better
anytime soon, in fact, I wouldn't be surprised if another rig nearby has a malfunction in the next week or two. This problem can be stopped, but
will not be stopped. One has to wonder why? If we had a decent, honest government, this would be an issue that would be taken much more seriously and
dealt with by this point.
I think this is at the point where it is way past money here. I know, I know, money is the reasoning behind everything, but really, this is far more
serious than money. Sure there is alot to be made for certain corporations as we are seeing in threads, but to what end? There is meaning to what is
being allowed to happen. There is a plan in place that is unfolding. strikes the question...why? Why are the people in the gulf region being targeted? What qualities does the gulf have that the government would
want? I'd like some ideas from this forum.