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Does Timothy Leary have anything to do with the Illuminati?

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posted on Jun, 12 2010 @ 12:02 AM
I was wondering if Timothy Leary has anything to do with the Illuminati. On his video (which is available via youtube) How to Operate your Brain he uses a lot of occult type language referring to illumination and such. Just an idea. If you have the strength to watch all 28 minutes of the video is seems to be highly occult like.

posted on Jun, 12 2010 @ 12:28 AM
reply to post by LightofLiberty

I vote "no" just because he was a known snitch.
I figure, if he was in with "the Illuminati", either he wouldn't be a snitch, or else they would have somehow worked to prevent him from becoming known as one...I realize that this is just a style point, based on nothing but my ignorant feelings...yet still, absent other evidence, that is what I think...

posted on Jun, 12 2010 @ 12:51 AM
If you have a RATS subscription, check out this thread...
In the 1950's and 60's, the CIA ordered a massive amount of a chemical we aren't allowed to discuss here from the Eli Lilly pharmaceutical company (another evolution of I. G. Farben), what happened to all that stuff is a matter of speculation of course, but by sheer cooincidence the San Francisco Hippie movement suddenly came into alot of the said chemical shortly afterwards.
Timothy Leary, Hoffman, James Arthur, Rick Strassman, these names, in another time, might have been synonomous with prophets and preists, but the pharmacratic inquisition continues and an enlightened populous is feared by those who wield it.
Illuminatti? Maybe, but I think the entire movement was a social experiment that backfired when they realized that a free mind just wasn't going to bend over and take it from them anymore. Society would collapse, or at least, society as seen from the perspective of the haves and the have-nots. The radical concepts of equality and love just isn't compatible with keeping the rich richer or keeping the war machines churning.
Pretty Interesting Stuff

[edit on 12-6-2010 by twitchy]

posted on Jun, 12 2010 @ 12:57 AM
I say no way. Several teachers at the school where I got my Master's degree (TODAY!! WOOT) worked with the original drug studies at Berkeley; at least 4 of them were friends with Leary. None of these guys are remotely connected in my opinion - although their research could easily be used by "illuminati" groups. Hell - some of my own research could be used by these guys!

posted on Jun, 12 2010 @ 01:24 AM

do you guys even have a clue what your talking about , if it wherent for cia´s and other goverment entities around the worlds facination about mindcontrol, timothy still be a regular teacher with megalomanic obsessions and visions of grand delusions , mabye at a smaller scale then what he became but still non the less ,

the enlightment that comes from psycadelic drigs such as acid or dmt is just your brain getting back to its old thought form.

think of your brain as a large bookcase with all sorts of encyclopedias you ve made during your life time, everything from empirical encounters and learnings to viritual one´s , but all in book form non the less,

psycadelics just removes the books from the shelves and you then throu the experience put them back to their original places as best as you can ,
the enlightment sensation one gets is when the brain after awhile functions as it should ,

sometimes you learn something sometimes you dont , sometimes you brain wash your self sometimes someone else brain washes you.

timothy might have started with pure intentions but he left a deep scar on millions of peoples state of mind,

posted on Jun, 12 2010 @ 04:34 AM

jesus, oh my G-D, it was a really good time then, up there in the past ........ lots of experiences, lots of JOY, lots of laughing, lots of friends ...... I really regret those times being past .... people were smart, natural, all natural, no aids, no GMO, no silicones, no oil spills like today ... jesus, what happened to OUR world ?????? this is a foolish world today, everything is dirsrupt, upset, sickening, oh my God, how do I love YOU, but this world now is sickening me .. I have petrol stinking ideas in my brain ( ;-) ) like lots of other 69 people, we got it all, the people now get nothing any longer - sorry for that !!!!! it's not our fault !!!
it's the neo-con neo-liberal *SNIP* that are*SNIP* everybody.
Thimoty Leary is a nice man, the world is sick !!!!!

Mod Edit: Profanity/Circumvention Of Censors – Please Review This Link.

[edit on 12/6/2010 by Mirthful Me]

posted on Jun, 12 2010 @ 05:47 AM
reply to post by Sunlionspirit

peace - love - Harley - easy rider - do you remember ?
that were the times
the real good ones
but they were killed - do you remember ?
by who ?
by tea pot brainless sheep
now it's all over
did we not be too comprehensive ?
not be too cool and lax with those brainless sheep that kill all life ?
I feel my Harley between my legs
and I better did feel those bastards on my feet,
they kill us, theyu kill Mother Nature,
they kill fish, they kill Ocean,
BP Bastard People - Bush Puppets - Blunt Pigs - Bleak Primates !! etc etc ...
please God, forgive us being stupid and not revolt more than we do now
help us, please .... otherwise see you soon ...

posted on Jun, 12 2010 @ 09:45 AM

Originally posted by LightofLiberty
I was wondering if Timothy Leary has anything to do with the Illuminati. On his video (which is available via youtube) How to Operate your Brain he uses a lot of occult type language referring to illumination and such. Just an idea. If you have the strength to watch all 28 minutes of the video is seems to be highly occult like.

You've simplified it too much. Yes, some of Leary's ideas are very new age, which would seem like occult to most practicing christians. No doubt about that.

Where you're mistaken is thinking that a modern-day Illuminati has ANYTHING to do with that stuff. The Powers That Be are the ultimate skeptics. They don't need to use superstition to explain the way things are, because they know precisely why things are the way they are.

In fact, Leary's teachings (not talking the drug use, but some of his other philosophies) are some of the best ways to fight the Man. Then progress on to some of Robert Anton Wilson's non-fiction, like Cosmic Trigger, if you really want to expand your mind and stop being sheeple.

posted on Jun, 12 2010 @ 11:34 AM

Originally posted by LightofLiberty
I was wondering if Timothy Leary has anything to do with the Illuminati. On his video (which is available via youtube) How to Operate your Brain he uses a lot of occult type language referring to illumination and such. Just an idea. If you have the strength to watch all 28 minutes of the video is seems to be highly occult like.

I highly doubt this to be true, Leary hated the establishment and fought against it at every opportunity. Remember how he encouraged students to drop out of school, and for people to steal library books?

Something that needs to be cleared up here, for once and for all. The study of the Occult teachings and practices does not an Illuminati make. For instance, I myself studied the Occult for some 25 years, and today I use that knowledge to fight TPTB, not to be in it with them. Further, knowing of the Occult does not make one a Satanist, or a Demon worshipper either. "Occult" means "Hidden." As in hidden knowledge. Nothing more, or less. I am "Illuminated" by knowledge of lower and higher things, but I am not about controlling anyone, that is the true purpose of the Illuminati we conspiracy theorists talk about, the Committee of 300, the Round Table Group....they have other names. Just because one seeks knowledge does not make him or her go out to control another person's thoughts, those like me just present new theories and thought to to others, nothing more.

I will say that the study practices I have chosen have truly enlightened me on a great many things. No longer am I tied down and enslaved by religion. I learned that Religion is a personal thing, not something one wears like a badge. The God and Goddess that I have come to know does not want any worship, no sacrifices. I get on my knees for no God, no Goddess, no deity, nor do I place my head in the dirt while facing a famous place. [They] do not wish me to ceremonially eat them, or drink their blood, [they] do not wish me to kill my children, or hurt my wife. It does not make me do anything at all. It is not a driving force within myself, but rather like a good, worn in leather motorcycle jacket that fits me perfectly. It would not fit anyone else, but others may want a jacket like mine, which is OK. I can wear my jacket, or take it off at will, that in itself does not change me.

Every religion has some of the facts, some of the knowledge. Not one has it all, knowledge or facts. No Bible/Torah/Kabbala/"P" Document/Dead Sea Scroll is the entire, whole truth, i mean, just look at them, they do not agree with each other at all on everything, or even a great deal of it! This was an agenda began a very long time ago, and is practiced even today, religion causes men and women to make war with each other, and kill each other. I have had people say to me that i should be killed, for having such knowledge, and for not believing as they do. One guy became a thoroughly brainwashed Christian minister. He told me that he had seen and talked to "Jesus," and that Jesus told him to save me from going to Hell! I liked Brian, but every time he came to my house we got into a big argument. My own Mother disowned me in 1987 for not being a Christian, and for seeking forbidden knowledge, and for seeing the dead, and believing in aliens. I submit a petition to remove from the DNA of man/womankind that which breeds religious beliefs and war like tendencies. Also it should be altered so that no more than two children be born from them.

If people need a religion, take a good hard look at Mother Earth, OUR Mother.
She that provided for us lowly humans everything we need, food, water, air to breathe, material to build homes and factories. She is actually designed to support a certain amount of people. She is like a biological living entity and mechanical being that is our reality, our home and place, our zero point reference in the universe. She, like all things, follows a cycle of life, she is born anew, lives for a time, then dies, and the process begins again. Earth is a school for Spiritual Beings who come here, from other worlds and other places, to live the human experience, to love, to drink, cook, water, to taste food and herb, to make love with another. Some of us have hatched a plan to destroy the control computers that make things the way they are, the false and fake realities we live in, believe in, and live and die in. Within my DNA is not only that which is me, wholly and without error, it also has within it the stuff of the universe, so new world and new universes are possible. Trouble is, most are mind controlled into thinking a certain way, and living in a small box that keeps on getting smaller. Less than 2000 people control you, decide on how much groceries and gas is, keep hidden that which would be free energy, and discard idea on how to change things, and clean up what they have made. It is time to throw off the shackles and chains, and to just BE!

Thanks for reading. Cheers.

posted on Jun, 13 2010 @ 01:12 AM
Leary was a charming and intelligent (and often gravely mistaken) publicity hound. Given the way he treated those close to him, he was almost certainly a garden-variety pathological narcissist.

Did he have anything to do with "the illuminati"? Nah. He was too much of a loose cannon and a flawed instrument. He was also, as noted above, a rat.

If you want much more probable Leary-related conspiracy, I suggest you delve into the long and interesting tale of Mary Pinchot Meyers. Do your own googling and research.

For all his falts, Dr. Tim was a clever one:

McLuhan: "They will attempt to destroy your credibility, Tim."
Leary: "Ah, Marshall, but it's incredibility I'm looking for."
-Marshall McLuhan and Leary, allegedly at a luncheon in Canada.

[edit on 6/13/10 by silent thunder]

posted on Jun, 13 2010 @ 07:16 PM

Originally posted by autowrench

Something that needs to be cleared up here, for once and for all. The study of the Occult teachings and practices does not an Illuminati make. For instance, I myself studied the Occult for some 25 years, and today I use that knowledge to fight TPTB, not to be in it with them. like mine, which is OK. I can wear my jacket, or take it off at will, that in itself does not change me.

Actually, "illuminati" means "those who are illuminated". The word has nothing do to with TPTB. It seems to me that Leary was indeed Illuminati, and if you have studied the Occult Sciences for 25 years, you'd also probably qualify.

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