posted on Jun, 11 2010 @ 12:30 AM
I'd like to see the photos, along with a measure, or ruler, yard stick, or whatever. Just saying............when I get out of a swimming pool and my
footprints are seen by others, you know, the water on the bottom of my feet, people proclaim, "Oh my God! Have you ever seen footprints like that
before?" Yeah, I have big feet and they are absolutely flat. lol.
Apparantly, to others, I am a freak, lol, so I suppose there could be freaks in the rest of the animal world as well. Just saying.............
And I can't help with uploading photos. I will learn one day how to do it, if I actually have a fantastic, unbelievable photo I gotta get out.
I'm not trying to be a jerk. I have seen animal prints, too, that I couldn't explain in the context of what I had always seen.
I'd like to see the photos, by the way...........