posted on Jun, 10 2004 @ 08:56 PM
I have a conspiracy theory for all. Gather round.
The Music Companies, I believe, are placing worms in their music files to "decrease file sharing." Why do I blame this for such devious acts?
1. I heard a report on CNN last year about worms and viruses in music files that are created by the music company to kick file sharing in the
2. The Music companies (not the artists, who are also getting flipped off by these bastards) are black-hearted pigs who love money so much they would
shoot their own mothers in the head just for a few measly dimes!
How do they think they will make more money? By taking money out of the pockets of music lovers and telling the artists bull # like "If this keeps
going, you'll lose millions!" or "If we send all these theives to prison, you'll make millions." When the truth is, they're telling the artists
to turn around so they can jam a knife into their backs (metaphorically speaking.) When the Music Companies (or as I like to call it, the Kleptocracy)
threatened to sue, a lot of file sharers just abandoned file sharing out of fear of being sued. But file sharing was still a problem. So what do they
resort to? Worms and Viruses! Yes, worms and viruses that sever your internet connection and give you no hope of getting it back save for bringing it
into a professional to fix it. How do I figure? The two times it struck my computer, I used Imesh before I lost internet connection completley.
The nightmare is by no means over. When you want to share a file, you now have to put down all of your personal information! This is enforced by a
California bill.
This is my opinion.