I'm thinking they can find at least half those new homes (empty) here in Atlanta if they're still looking for some. Are we allowed to
include/nominate empty strip malls (also brand new! never been used!) too? And the bitch of it all is that they're still building new homes, when
there are so many that are on the market and standing empty. It's surreal.
In fact? To put in a new 400-home subdivision next door to ours, they moved a whole intersection of a road 100 feet to the east for a purported cost
of $1M to the taxpayer to let AT&T and/or the builder off the hook for a $2M bill for moving these huge boxes that all our phone and internet cables
go into!
why doesnt the gov't buy them... rent them out as council homes
help pay the deficit in years to come
Because they want the house prices to rise thus making the owners able and willing to take out loans and keep the whole game going. It is not about
doing the 'right' thing. To do what is generally considered to be moral is not even part of the equation. To keep the game going as long as possible
For an economic system that has the inflation of the money supply as its basis things must keep growing at a certain pace to maintain the status quo.
This sounds counterintuitive but it is true. All 'money' is owed not owned. This is the problem.
The people who invent the money out of nothing (just because they have the mandate to do so) have the rest of the population working to pay back debts
that they invented out of thin air. We as a people have given permission for this to happen. If you want (a) you must obtain it via transacting with
(b) and you get (b) by servitude of some sorts.
Money is not a measure of wealth but a measure of how much 'man hours' of servitude you have in your possession.
Firstly, they make it illegal (or as good as) to have transactions in any other 'currency'. You should be able to transact in any way you wish.
A percentage of every transaction is taken.
The source of the infinite supply of currency is under 'their' control. At the end of the game the winner is the person holding all the material
possessions and the loser is the one holding all the money. The person holding the money believes that they are winning all along. Even past the end
of the game.
Everyone who has money is a slave owner.
They can even make you laugh at the joke that is being played on YOU!