I think when they try and park Cassini in Saturns orbit that it will be destroyed by debris when it fly's through the space between the rings as it
enters orbit. I think it is bad idea to try and fly between the rings without knowing whats there...
I would think that if there are rings that you can see that it would be probable that there is something in between that may not be seen. Perhaps a
lesser amounts of the materials making up the rings...
Its a possibility, i mean look how many Mars probes have been lost over the years. I hope you are wrong tho id really like to have a good look at the
info it sends back.
the craft is flying through the cassini divide (named after the man who discovered it, as is the craft)... what's there? nothing more than is in
normal empty space. it's safe.
for what i think cassini did lost to another planet not on jupiter jupiter is empty filled with gas cassini may have crush on a satalite and nasa just
keep it a secret
just my prediction.