posted on Mar, 9 2003 @ 01:33 AM
I'd have to agree Estragon...
As the only functioning authority (with only the powers of a Mod) at another board, I'm facing the same problem...Whether or not I have the time (&
frankly, the ambition) to merge individual posts into coherent threads about the same discussion. As it is, multiple threads about the same topic is
becoming a problem there too.
It would be a bit easier for me to dredge up the ambition to do so if I knew I'd at least be getting some help & "official" backup in making
judgment calls while doing so...
Sigh! I wish that the one-n-only Admin there (who happens to own the site) would stop in long enough to even give someone Admin power to help him with
the site-administration...Like Simon has done with you guys here.
Sigh!...I feel like a City Mayor who's been given the responsibility of a Monarch but still having no more *authority* than the position of
I think the initial problem lies with the fact that most "new members" get too lazy to look through the long lists of thread-titles to post in an
already-existing discussion...Instead, they just start a new thread. What that means to an Admin or Mod is that they're now faced with larger
bandwidth costs & a hesp of extra work to either organize the whole thing coherently or simply just delete a lot of old threads. The problem with the
latter choice is obvious; Loss of good info because the a thread itself was deleted due to a lot of repetitive threads on the same discussion.
[Edited on 9-3-2003 by MidnightDStroyer]