posted on Jun, 7 2010 @ 04:11 PM
A question to the managnement if i may.
With the forethcoming ATS 2010 system, will there be a facility for the staff to transfer a whole thread of posts to another thread?
We see many multiple threads created, sometimes because people forget to do a search first, or people posting simultaneously. Due to the high traffic
that ATS gets, each of these threads may receive numerous replies in a very short time.
It can get a bit frustrating when i see quality replies lost purely because they were written in a repeated thread.
So i wondered if the replies, bar the opening thread post, could be transferred to the main thread?
Not sure if this is more hassle than it's worth, or if it's possible? I'd hate to think that people got discouraged from posting if their posts
were suddenly binned because they weren't in the first thread.
There have also been occasions where although i have posted a thread first, another has come along soon after and fair play to the thread author, it
has been of a much higher quality of posting and research than my own.
On these occasions it would be great if i could have asked the staff if i could move my replies to a more well presented thread.
Thanks for listening to my rambling.
[edit on 7/6/10 by CX]