posted on Jun, 6 2010 @ 01:05 PM
AURORA, Colo. (AP) — A suburban Denver city councilwoman is urging people to boycott businesses near a coffee shop that sends bikini-clad women onto
nearby city streets to advertise.
Councilwoman Molly Markert sent a letter of complaint, signed by about 30 Aurora residents, to the manager of the property where Perky Cups
Just when business is beginning to pick up in America after a long slump, these socialist, commies come out of the woodwork trying to stiffel the
entreprenurial spirit of these fine Americans just trying to put food on the table for their babies.
I say strike a blow for freedom! Patronize any and all businesses that promote their sales with bikini-clad women. It's the American way!
"Hooters" yeeehaaawww
Mark my words, if these commies, socialist get their way, soon we will have to put underwear on our dogs.
[edit on 6-6-2010 by whaaa]