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Immigration law supporters rally at Ariz. Capitol

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posted on Jun, 5 2010 @ 10:34 PM
reply to post by Gmoneycricket

as An American(Speeding Ticket) you can face more
penalties then they do if they act like a
Terrorist and Illegally enter a country?

Now, your talking ignorant.

Why don't you get educated rather than come up with stuff like this?

Speaking of Terrorist, how many of the 19 hijackers on 9/11 came across illegally?

posted on Jun, 5 2010 @ 10:39 PM

Originally posted by jam321
reply to post by Gmoneycricket

So you are saying that if Ice responds as they are suppose too and
Deports Criminals (Illegal Immigrates) then they call it a misdemeanor?

ICE doesn't call it a misdemeanor. It is a misdemeanor only if they get prosecuted. Ice usually gets them to sign off on a deportation letter, which most do.

ICE also does not always pick up people. Sometimes they will call the local jail and tell them to release the person. Of course, what some don't realize is that the local jail usually has the info on the person they release. Then, when ICE makes a Raid, these are usually the first ones they go after. IN my area they picked up two van loads of people merely by the information the local jail had.

If the person chooses deportation, there is no misdemeanor.

In a way I know your right, just is upsetting.
Here they were letting them go with 498 pounds of pot in the trunk, then arresting them within the week for a Joint getting probation and a misdemeanor charge with probation.

posted on Jun, 5 2010 @ 10:42 PM

Originally posted by jam321
reply to post by Gmoneycricket

as An American(Speeding Ticket) you can face more
penalties then they do if they act like a
Terrorist and Illegally enter a country?

Now, your talking ignorant.

Why don't you get educated rather than come up with stuff like this?

Speaking of Terrorist, how many of the 19 hijackers on 9/11 came across illegally?

Don't call me ignorant when they blow up Marines anytime they feel like it in the middle east.
That is a misdemeanor in Yemen!

posted on Jun, 5 2010 @ 10:49 PM
reply to post by K J Gunderson

Now I can post again.
So you have a problem with my spelling of some English words, I'm from China and I've study English for 6 years.
My husband wanted to reply but I would not let him, he's out playing with a new toy now.
I wish I knew from what country or state you are from, you seem to know a lot about our sheriff Joe, then you know he keeps them secured from law abiding citizens for less than a dollars a day. Sounds good to me.

They don't spend enough money to amount to any thing. Hell they have 4 or 5 families living in one 2 or 3 bedroom home.
Your an Illegal, of any color you are in my country illegally. You are a burden on our society.
If you have a problem with my English, I will try harder, but I am Proud of My Country and I try to speak English. My friends try to speak English.
I think you had nothing good to say so you had to pick on my spelling.

posted on Jun, 5 2010 @ 10:49 PM
So now the Marines are calling United States Citizens Ignorant
and Defending Illegal Immigrates!

posted on Jun, 5 2010 @ 10:53 PM
reply to post by Gmoneycricket

I forgot to tell you, those they catch with drugs are charged with felony and are sent to prison.

This one girl, 20 was paid two thousands to smuggle dope over. She got caught and was sentenced to twenty years.

Once they serve their sentence, they are deported.

Furthermore, the ones who volunteer deportation by signing papers are also punished from coming to the US for 2-10 years. If caught in the US they are charged and sent to prison.

I can see why you and others are upset. What gets me is all the false information or constant threads beating this dead horse. Also, the bashing of the illegals.

The truth is that the threads and bashing isn't going to fix the situation. IMO, it will ultimately anger Americans who are Hispanics because they will also be harassed in the search of illegals.

As for calling you ignorant, I didn't. I said your talking ignorant. The truth is that terrorists are blowing up Marines, but not every Muslim.

The truth is that terrorist can come from any country and via any avenue. Look at 9/11, the two plane bombers(shoe and underwear), and all the cells they have captured in the US thus far, and you will see that most of them were legal in the country.

Yet, I don't hear any of you arguing that we fix the way people get into the US legally.

posted on Jun, 5 2010 @ 10:56 PM

Originally posted by jam321
reply to post by Gmoneycricket

I forgot to tell you, those they catch with drugs are charged with felony and are sent to prison.

This one girl, 20 was paid two thousands to smuggle dope over. She got caught and was sentenced to twenty years.

Once they serve their sentence, they are deported.

Furthermore, the ones who volunteer deportation by signing papers are also punished from coming to the US for 2-10 years. If caught in the US they are charged and sent to prison.

I can see why you and others are upset. What gets me is all the false information or constant threads beating this dead horse. Also, the bashing of the illegals.

The truth is that the threads and bashing isn't going to fix the situation. IMO, it will ultimately anger Americans who are Hispanics because they will also be harassed in the search of illegals.

As for calling you ignorant, I didn't. I said your talking ignorant. The truth is that terrorists are blowing up Marines, but not every Muslim.

The truth is that terrorist can come from any country and via any avenue. Look at 9/11, the two plane bombers(shoe and underwear), and all the cells they have captured in the US thus far, and you will see that most of them were legal in the country.

Yet, I don't hear any of you arguing that we fix the way people get into the US legally.

So you are saying its kinda like that Military guy that legally got in the service and shot up everyone at Fort Hood?

posted on Jun, 5 2010 @ 11:09 PM
reply to post by Gmoneycricket

So you are saying its kinda like that Military guy that legally got in the service and shot up everyone at Fort Hood?

IMO, that was just another American going postal.

What I am saying is that when people use the position that we should keep illegals out because they might be terrorist, they are not being sincere about keeping terrorist out.

Evidence proves that most of the incidents we have had with terrorist has not been due to them being here illegally. Furthermore, if the fear is terrorists than we should seal all avenues that terrorists can get in.

Many take me as pro illegal but that is not the case. I have seen this issue pop its ugly head too many times and each time it is the same result. Bash the illegals.

Yet, nothing is ever fixed. The same laws that benefit illegals are still there. The same employers that hire illegals are still there. Just think about this, your social security card is still the same. Despite all our modern technology, it is still the same.

If people focused more attention on those responsible as they do bashing illegals, we might get closer to fixing the problems.

I ask you this, since this Arizona bill, how much attention has been paid to Congress? With all the problems this country is facing, how many of these have Congress addressed?

No need for them to when all attention is elsewhere.

posted on Jun, 5 2010 @ 11:24 PM

Originally posted by jam321
reply to post by Gmoneycricket

So you are saying its kinda like that Military guy that legally got in the service and shot up everyone at Fort Hood?

IMO, that was just another American going postal.

What I am saying is that when people use the position that we should keep illegals out because they might be terrorist, they are not being sincere about keeping terrorist out.

Evidence proves that most of the incidents we have had with terrorist has not been due to them being here illegally. Furthermore, if the fear is terrorists than we should seal all avenues that terrorists can get in.

Many take me as pro illegal but that is not the case. I have seen this issue pop its ugly head too many times and each time it is the same result. Bash the illegals.

Yet, nothing is ever fixed. The same laws that benefit illegals are still there. The same employers that hire illegals are still there. Just think about this, your social security card is still the same. Despite all our modern technology, it is still the same.

If people focused more attention on those responsible as they do bashing illegals, we might get closer to fixing the problems.

I ask you this, since this Arizona bill, how much attention has been paid to Congress? With all the problems this country is facing, how many of these have Congress addressed?

No need for them to when all attention is elsewhere.

I am going to wave the White Flag
I would rather go to sleep thinking
Men like you are protecting me at all borders.
I do not want to pick fights with Soldiers or Vets.
Any comments I made may have come from that Ignorant comment I
overreacted too.
So Sir
Thank You for your Service.

posted on Jun, 6 2010 @ 01:29 AM
In attendance was about 2000 people, not hundreds of people.
I Always double check the numbers since socialist media is always spinning the numbers.

posted on Jun, 6 2010 @ 04:40 PM

Originally posted by zzombie
In attendance was about 2000 people, not hundreds of people.
I Always double check the numbers since socialist media is always spinning the numbers.

Sorry I'm getting back to you so late. Yes. there was a lot of people there and the crowd was friendly.
Your source the azcentral is pretty good about reporting the facts.
My wife and her friends had a great time, talking with others that had gone through the process and still in the process.
The nice thing about our Government is, you can always go to their web site and check your filing status or call Monday thru Friday.

Thank You for your post.

posted on Jun, 6 2010 @ 06:39 PM

Originally posted by Gmoneycricket

You Explain then

I took, as you think criminals make better consumers,

I am really not sure how to explain what you are getting wrong. It is put as simply as it can be. You did not get it but that is kind of not my problem.

Maybe you need your good buddy Sheriff Joe to explain it to you. I am sure he has it all written out real nice already.
I can try to say it again but I am not sure that is going to help you at all. Illegal immigrants need to be deported, right? ICE is not able to deal with every brown person AZ wants to hold. So, maybe you want to pay for it yourself? Why are AZ residents not starting a fund?

Sheriff Joe is offering you a solution and boy does it sound good, right?????

Well let's see. Why do we want illegals out of the country? They are a drain on our resources, right? Do you know who is an even bigger drain on our resources? Prisoners.

I know, I know, you automatically think I want all murderers out in the streets to stop being a drain. Obviously that is the only thing I could mean by that because there is no possibility of weighing things against each other, right?

Let's try just for fun.

Illegal immigrants are both draining our resources as well as contributing somewhat. Obviously they do not give more than they take or else there would be no problem. So what do we do about it?

Send them home? Problem solved. I got no problem with that. Unfortunately, it is not going to happen. The money and the men are just not there to do that so no matter what any of us would like, there is no way all illegals will be rounded up and taken home.

That leaves them back on the street, buying things and putting some money back into the economy.

So here is the fun part. You all get all excited and tingly over Sheriff Joe who rides in to save the day. What does he offer you as an alternative?

He says that he will take them and KEEP THEM IN ARIZONA, feed them, house them, and care for their health. They no longer get to pay taxes or buy from local markets but they are STILL IN ARIZONA. YOU ARE NOT PAYING FOR THEIR FULL CARE instead of whatever resources they were draining before AFTER actually contributing back. In the real world, they pay rent and buy food. In prison, you buy it for them.

You really think that sounds BETTER? You want to fund them fully, keep them in the state, and cut off any chance of them being productive at all while they are here.

Before you get too excited about the idea of giving them a permanent home fully funded by YOU within the US borders, let me add this.

Do you know what happens when prisons become overcrowded? They begin releasing prisoners early. They even release VIOLENT offenders. Do I want criminals on the street just to buy stuff? NO. That is stupid. When offered the choice between letting someone work and pay taxes as opposed to charging me for their room and board just to let some mugger out on the street 5 years early is just not a better choice.

Got it?

and what is a Legal Crime?

You tell me. I am assuming it is the opposite of whatever you meant by this...

originally posted by Gmoneycricketcommitted a illegal crime

The last time I checked, crime is illegal. Illegal crimes would indicate more than one type of crime, illegal and others. Maybe you can help me out?

posted on Jun, 6 2010 @ 06:59 PM

Originally posted by guohua
reply to post by K J Gunderson

Now I can post again.
So you have a problem with my spelling of some English words, I'm from China and I've study English for 6 years.

That all great and good for you. I do not make fun of people for not knowing English unless the context warrants it. Yours most certainly did. You were extolling the virtuous grasp everyone had of the English language as if that were something important. Well, if speaking English is so important and it is so great that everyone was doing it, then I find this sentence highly suspect

By the way all could and tried to speck ENGLISH!

See those caps? That that exclamation point? Obviously it really means something to you that everyone was speaking ENGLISH. Unfortunately, either that is not true and you would no know...or English is not really that important to you and you are simply posturing. Either way, context is everything.

My husband wanted to reply but I would not let him, he's out playing with a new toy now.

I wanted Fruity Pebbles for breakfast but I only had Rice Krispies. Maybe you can start a thread and we can share stories of things that never happened. It seems kind of off topic here.

I wish I knew from what country or state you are from, you seem to know a lot about our sheriff Joe, then you know he keeps them secured from law abiding citizens for less than a dollars a day. Sounds good to me.

That sure does sound good. If that is all you know about him, then I imagine you think he is awesome. Unfortunately that sentence alone displays a vast amount of ignorance about the American prison system. You have an excuse for not being more aware but not for defending things you know so little about.

Rural New York in the good old U.S. of A. I hope that helps.

Last year a man with a fancy suit and cool slick hat came into town with a wagon and a show. He was selling these little magic talking boxes with moving pictures on them, he had thin slices of wood bound together with a language printed on them, he even had a machine that allows you to talk with people that are far away. It was super fantastic. Ever since then I have been able to learn all about how there are other places, with people that live there, and stuff happens!

They don't spend enough money to amount to any thing. Hell they have 4 or 5 families living in one 2 or 3 bedroom home.

I never said they were GOOD for the economy, just better than ONLY draining. That translates into 4 or 5 families you are fully funding with your tax dollars and one homeowner not collecting rent anymore. Wow, Maybe Joe can fix the NY economy with that kind of logic. More prisons, more prisoners, it just has to make sense.

Your an Illegal, of any color you are in my country illegally. You are a burden on our society.


Do you think Joe's prison is in another country and paid for by someone else?
Please explain to me how putting them in an American prison you pay for solves that problem for you.

By the way, it is my country too. That makes it ours, not yours.

If you have a problem with my English, I will try harder, but I am Proud of My Country and I try to speak English. My friends try to speak English.

Maybe it is your native tongue that prevents you from understanding. I have no problem specifically with your English. I have a problem with anyone talking bout how awesome it was that a bunch of people got together to support a really really stupid law that is supposed to be all American, praising the wonderful use of English by all and not even getting that sentence correct. CONTEXT CONTEXT CONTEXT. Maybe let the hubby on and I can explain it to him and he can explain it to you.

I think you had nothing good to say so you had to pick on my spelling.

Actually that was one little point out of my entire post. Mostly it was the ignorant statements. You are the one concentrating on the spelling and I am not sure why because i picked on you for all kinds of other things in that post.

I think you said a bunch of silly pseudo patriotic nonsense and when I pointed out how silly it all was, the only thing you could try to defend was your spelling so you went all nuts on that. At least my original post was related to the topic of the thread.

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