I think there was huge publicity the last time the gun bill thing came up was there not?
Mobilized a lot of people, people showed a big resistance, put a stop to it.
The first formal volley in what is projected to be an Obama Administration onslaught on the Second Amendment was fired when H.R. 45 was introduced
into the new congress on January 6th by Representative Rush (D) Chicago, Illinois. H.R. 45 is a bill that licenses owners of handguns and
semi-automatic weapons with magazine wells. The bill also registers handguns and semi-autos upon transfers, which must be conducted through a
licensed dealer, with a few exceptions for family members and temporary loans to presumably licensed individuals. (Interestingly enough, you
seemingly could transfer a gun to an 18-year old offspring without a registered event, but you apparently could not transfer the same weapon to a
spouse without going through a licensed dealer. Who would of thunk it?)
In an Orwellian twist, a person under 18 may only effectively possess a firearm in an act of self-defense, after magically gaining access to the gun
in violation of the law, having had no previous legally sanctioned training in the use of firearms. (This looks a lot like the D.C. gun ban which
requires either precognition of a break-in or criminal agreement to a “time out” that allows the gun owner to assemble/unlock a weapon for
defensive use.)
now what are we hearing?
flotilla, flotilla, oil spill, flotilla korea, flotilla, euro, flotilla flotilla...JESUS..flotilla oil spill EVACUATION
evacuation whats gonna replace you southerners when the petrol stink goes away Mexicans?
well you get the picture.
ATS recent post section is a good example, every one is sort of noticing,
just not seeing what isn't there.
If I was a powermad PTB I'd be doing it this way:
distract the frog
turn up the heat
distract the frog
turn up the heat
yada, yada yada
frog is boiled...
pattern recognition, ya know?
What if katrina, where they blew up the levies maybe steered the hurricane with haarpe and took the guns from the hi grounders was
a warm up...dipersed all those people through out the other states...
now they say the oil spill may not be an accident..
they shouldn't be using the dispersant they are using
the off gas is toxic...
wait till the hurricanes come they say.
they woulda coulda shoulda...
prime the pump
they move you out and LA RAZA moves in
now you have a woppin great american palistien of american refugies..
that would explain the fema camps
the removal of posse comatatis
the SPP agreements
the foreign troops on american soil
Im scarin myself
[edit on 5-6-2010 by Danbones]