Hello. This is a new account, but I'm not new to ATS. I had a previous account here which became "unavailable" to me a couple years back (No, I
wasn't banned) and decided it was time to try to come back.
Hi KF5EQV, and welcome to the ATS community. For now, you can reply to any thread in any member forum you wish, as well as send & receive
(PM's)Private Messages to Staff only.
Once you have achieved 20 posts, you will then be able to start your own threads and additionally send & receive messages to and from fellow ATS
It looks like the neighborhood has grown a bit eh? I really dig this site and the members here are what makes it so valuable to me. Perspectives
from all over the globe!
But this you already know.
Yup, thank you. Things seem very different here, guess it's been a while. I remember when this site was a very light grey color.
Now the unbearable wait for 20 posts, lol.