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Mexico opens California office to provide IDs for illegals

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posted on Jun, 5 2010 @ 11:14 PM

Originally posted by muse7
So why all the fuss about the Mexican Government issuing consular ID cards to Mexican citizens living abroad?

These cards are issued to every Mexican citizen that lives outside of Mexico whether they are living in the United States, Germany, France or anywhere.

You guys need to give it a rest and stop getting riled up over the slightest issue.

Because, they are not legal, because we aren't here to support that Touchy, Freely Liberal Open Boarder and Sanitary City Sh$t.

Let me explain this to you people S L O W L Y OK.
Legal GOOD, Illegal NOT GOOD, BAD! A crime has been committed against our Nation and our People.
You don't understand, They Lost the War and then their Government sold the rest.
You own nothing in North American Known As The United States. Get Over IT!

posted on Jun, 6 2010 @ 12:25 AM
reply to post by guohua

Perhaps I should also, repeat what I said in my earlier post, S L O W L Y so you can read.

These Consular ID Cards are issued to EVERY Mexican citizen living outside of Mexico whether they are living in the United States, France, Canada, Japan, Russia, Germany, England it does not matter, Mexicans are encouraged to apply for these cards.

Mexico is not the only country that issues these cards as far as I know there are plenty of others, and just because Mexico opened up a consular office and started to give these cards to it's citizen does not mean in any way, shape or form that Mexico is trying to re-conquer the lost territory that they lost in the Mexican-American war.

I still don't know what all the fuss you are making is about, if you have issues regarding banks accepting these cards as a valid form of ID then perhaps you should politely e-mail them and express your utmost concern over this issue. Because surely, we all know that every single Mexican that speaks accented English is a drug lord, murderer or kidnapper that only comes here to rape women and to live off the welfare system and to try to re-conquer lost land.

posted on Jun, 6 2010 @ 08:38 AM
reply to post by muse7

4.7 million Mexicans living in the US without authorization turned to a little-known Mexican government identity document called the matrícula consular. The ID cards have given undocumented immigrants a sense of security but have been received with mixed reactions by public and private institutions.

A sharp debate on the merits of consular IDs has engaged the public, political circles, the media, the private sector, immigration authorities, and law enforcement agencies. On the one hand, proponents of such programs say the cards protect immigrants, their families, and communities by facilitating their ability to open bank accounts, access some limited public services, and work with authorities to resolve crimes and other social ills. On the other hand, critics question whether undocumented immigrants should have access to such services, and assert that consular ID programs subvert US policy and promote unauthorized immigration.

How this debate shapes up is likely to have significant consequences for millions of undocumented immigrants. It is also likely to have a bearing on how the United States shapes its domestic security efforts. Understanding the debate requires examining several key aspects of the consular ID programs, including the extensive Mexican program, the cards' relationship to immigrant banking and remittances, the effect on local law enforcement, and the prospects for developing such programs for other countries.
Important to note this statement, They Do Not Have The Legal Right To Live and Work In America. So you give them a Fake Identity?

•Not only does the matricula subvert U.S. immigration law, it is not even a secure identity document. Mexico is not authenticating the documents used to obtain the matricula against computerized data files in Mexico.

•Safeguards are not in place to prevent multiple issuance of matriculas to the same individual; in fact, the INS has already reported finding multiple cards in different names issued to the same person.
•The matricula consular is useful in the United States only for illegal aliens, since legal immigrants, by definition, have U.S. government-issued documents.

•The Mexican government has launched an aggressive grassroots lobbying campaign to win acceptance for its matricula card from state and local jurisdictions and from banks, especially in areas where Mexican illegal aliens are concentrated.

•The objective of this lobbying effort is to achieve quasi-legal status for Mexican illegals in the United States without waiting for action from Washington.

•The matricula itself, however, is useful to illegal aliens only insofar as U.S. institutions are willing to collaborate with Mexico’s efforts to circumvent U.S. immigration law.
Source: IDs for Illegals: The 'Matricula Consular' Advances Mexico's Immigration Agenda
Sham Mexican ID card.
Q. Why should I get a Mexican ID?
A. Criminal Friendly Cities like Los Angeles that recognize the ID, will make life easier for you if you carry the ID.

Q. What are the advantages of having a Mexican ID?
A. A Mexican ID can be used in lieu of a driver's license to access a wide range of public services in the City and County of Los Angeles.

Q. Do I have to be a Mexican to get a Mexican ID?
A. No, you only have to present a forged Mexican Birth Certificate to the Mexican Consulate in Los Angeles.

Q. What if I am an Anglo Criminal. Can I still get a Mexican ID?
A. Technically, yes. But unlike our local authorities, the Mexican Government profiles. The Consulate might get suspicious if you have blond hair and blue eyes.

Q. Many Mexicans like myself were born in a small village where most of the newborn didn't even obtain birth certificates.
A. Not to worry. Use a forged birth certificate which you can obtain for $25.00 on Alvarado Blvd in the Mac Arthur Park section of L.A. The Mexican Consulate does not verify the information on the birth certificate. But even if they did, they are no better at verifying birth certificates than the L.A. City Council.

Q. What if I get stopped for going through a red light. Will I be deported?
A. No. Upon presenting your Mexican ID, the LAPD officer who stops you, will know that you are illegally in the country, otherwise you wouldn't need the Mexican ID in the first place. Deporting you would defeat the purpose of the ID. You will only get a ticket.

Q. Will I have to pay the ticket?
A. No. You won't have to pay the ticket because it will be too much trouble to track you down. But to be on the safe side, you should have several false Mexican IDs to show on different occasions to confuse your identity. None of your IDs should have the correct address or contact information. LAPD officers will not be able to do a "make" on you to verify any information you give them. Remember, once an LAPD officer gives you a ticket, he's done and you are on your way.

Q. What if I am a fugitive and get stopped for going through a red light in a car that I just stole. Will I go to jail?
A. No. When you present your Mexican ID to the LAPD officer, he will have no way of knowing that you are a serial killer or that you just stole the car you were stopped in. The worst that will happen is that the car you just stole will be impounded and the officer will tell you that you will have to walk home. But you won't have to walk home if you steal another car.

Q. If I am an American Citizen or legal resident who has a valid ID such as a driver's license, is there an advantage to also obtaining a Mexican ID?
A. Yes. There is a big advantage for criminals to use a Mexican ID instead of a valid California driver's license. If you are stopped by an LAPD officer for an infraction, he won't know that you are a criminal if you show a Mexican ID. That's why it is a good idea to leave your California driver's license home.

Q. Why would the Mexican Consulate issue a Mexican ID if I already have a valid California ID?
A. The Mexican government recognizes dual citizenship. If you or your mother are from Mexico, they will be happy to provide you with a supplemental Mexican ID. But just to stay on the safe side, don't tell them that you are an American Citizen or Legal Resident.

Q. What happens if the Mexican Consulate figures out that I am trying to obtain a Mexican ID with a false birth certificate?
A. Nothing. But they won't let you have the ID.

FAQ courtesy of Mr. Hal Netkin of

[edit on 6-6-2010 by guohua]

[edit on 6-6-2010 by guohua]

posted on Jun, 6 2010 @ 09:09 AM
reply to post by muse7

How about this?
On February 10, 2005, the House passed H.R. 418, the REAL ID Act of 2005
that would, among other things, establish standards for the issuance of drivers’
licenses that would seem to preclude the acceptance of consular ID cards, The bill
includes provisions that require a determination that the applicant is lawfully present
in the United States and that specify that an official passport is the only acceptable
foreign identity document. This measure was attached by the House to the
Emergency Supplemental Appropriations for FY2005 (H.R. 1268) as Division B on
March 16, 2005. Following conference, H.R. 1268 was passed with the specified
provisions by the House and Senate in early May 2005, and it was signed into law
(P.L. 109-13) on May 11, 2005.
Why they want this cards.
The Mexican Matricula Consular ID card is an ID card issued to Mexican foreign nationals in the United States. The matricula consular is useful in the United States only for illegal aliens, because legal immigrants by definition have legal U.S. government-issued documents.

After 9/11, the Mexican Government realized that they could not gain another U.S. amnesty for illegal aliens. Instead, they launched a lobbying campaign to gain acceptance of the ID at state and local levels and from U.S. banks.
U.S. Congressman Tom Tancredo said, "The only people who benefit from having such an ID are those who have come illegally and have broken our laws." This ID card is essentially a back door attempt at a stealth amnesty and a direct challenge to the jurisdiction of Congress over U.S. immigration policy. Roberto Rodriguez Hernandez, director of the Mexican card program was quoted as saying "It's necessary to push the need for an amnesty at all levels."
The matricula card is not a secure document (the Matricula Cards on this page are of American citizens). Mexico does not authenticate documents used to obtain the ID against computerized data files in Mexico. No major bank in Mexico accepts the card to open an account and the cards are recognized as IDs in only 10 of Mexico's 32 states and districts.

Now, Guatemala, Honduras, Poland, Peru and El Salvador, aware of Mexico's success, have begun or are considering issuing cards of their own.
City liability insurance companies almost certainly won't cover liability associated with accepting such a card, since it is a violation of Federal law to accept the card. So if a city accepts the card and a citizen is injured by an illegal alien, the citizen could likely sue individual city council members for their personal assets and life savings.

Specifically, a state or local government official or employee who provides any benefit or service to such a presenter possesses the criminal intent (mens rea) necessary for a felony indictment under Section 274 of the Immigration and Nationality Act, which provides criminal penalties for any act that "encourages or induces an alien to come to, enter, or reside in the United States, knowing or in reckless disregard of the fact that such coming to, entry, or residence is or will be in violation of law."

For more information, see:

Colorado Alliance for Immigration Reform's extensive material on the Matricula ID, including videos and activist toolkits.
IDs for Illegals - The 'Matricula Consular' Advances Mexico's Immigration Agenda, published by the Center for Immigration Studies, January, 2003.
Matricula Consular ID Cards, by the Federation for American Immigration Reform.
¿Quienes Son? No Sabemos. Mexico’s fake i.d. — and its terrorist implications, by James A. Cooley, National Review, April 21, 2004.
FBI Criticizes Mexican Consular I.D. Cards by Ricardo Alonso-Zaldivar, Los Angeles Times, June 26, 2003.
Testimony Subcommittee on Immigration, Border Security, and Claims, by Craig Nelsen, Executive Director Friends of Immigration Law Enforcement, June 19, 2003.
American Association of Motor Vehicle Administrators (AAMVA) Board of Directors Resolution 03-08, Use of Foreign Consular Cards for Identification Purposes.
Consular ID Cards in a Post-9/11 World - Testimony of Steve McCraw, Assistant Director of The Office of Intelligence, FBI Before the House Judiciary Subcommittee on Immigration, Border Security, and Claims on Consular ID Cards, June 26, 2003

Source:Mexican Matricula Consular ID card - THE AMERICAN RESISTANCE ...

So, Basically the Mexican Government has been and continues to help ILLEGALS cheat any Nation that their people decide to come Illegally too.

posted on Jun, 6 2010 @ 11:12 AM
reply to post by chise61

Thank You chise61, Because of you, I did more research and there is a lot of information about these cards and most is not good for us and our economy.
Thank You

posted on Jun, 6 2010 @ 11:37 AM

Originally posted by lpowell0627
reply to post by OutKast Searcher

It is an interesting situation though.

The Mexican government would be issuing IDs acknowledging their citizens that live abroad.

However, the United States can't/doesn't acknowledge that they are here since it is against the law to be here illegally and identifying them should/would make them subject to deportation.

So, the country where they came from has, in essence, branded them as illegals if they have in their possession a Mexican ID with U.S. as their current country, but without an additional US ID/green card/visa, etc., no documentation exists saying they should be here....just that they are.

lpowell0627, I think you're correct in your statement above.
In the statement made below: is useful to illegal aliens only insofar as U.S. institutions are willing to collaborate with Mexico’s efforts to circumvent U.S. immigration law.
I don't think the word Institutions is the correct word to use, I think State, County and City, is more correct. With all the Pandering California and many, many of it's cities for the Illegals, I say they have done the most damage.
People who are for Open Boarders and Sanctuary Cities are either not living in a Boarder state or they are Illegals themselves or they just don't live on the same planet.
The objective of this lobbying effort is to achieve quasi-legal status for Mexican illegals in the United States without waiting for action from Washington.

•The matricula itself, however, is useful to illegal aliens only insofar as U.S. institutions are willing to collaborate with Mexico’s efforts to circumvent U.S. immigration law.
Source: IDs for Illegals: The 'Matricula Consular' Advances Mexico's Immigration Agenda

posted on Jun, 6 2010 @ 04:28 PM
reply to post by JohnPhoenix

"Didn't offend Me in the slightest.. in fact, I liked it so much I thought I would reply, just so people can see it again" End Quote by JohnPhoenix

Thank You, Please return and see what else we have, I might of finally offended some one by now,
I think the People of California are beginning to see the light!
The Mexican Government is helping Illegals again, this time to get that bank account, to look to an LEO like they are documented to get that job and how about that welfare check.
CALIFORNIA,,, PLEASE WAKE UP! They are using you!

posted on Jun, 7 2010 @ 01:22 AM
reply to post by guohua

You are quite welcome

Many people don't realize how adversely these "ID's" are effecting our country, and unfortunately many don't care. If I have helped to make even one person aware of the dangerous effects of these cards and they in turn help make others aware of it, then I feel that I have helped.

I meant what I said about the congressman deserving some recognition for his efforts to stop this. I will be contacting his office to thank him for his efforts on behalf of American citizens, I hope others will do the same. Maybe the knowledge that there are people that support his actions will help him to keep fighting the fight.

Looks like your Govenor may have an ally in Cali, maybe someone should point this out to her in case she's unaware

Thank you for bringing this situation to my attention with this thread, I only wish it would draw more attention.

I may not live near the border, but unfortunately Chicago has sanctuary status

I have seen first hand the negative effect that illegal immigrants have had on my community and country. I for one am sick of illegal immigrants having the same, and sometimes more rights than I have as a citizen.

You Arizonians keep standing your ground, there are many of us that support your cause

posted on Jun, 7 2010 @ 09:14 AM
reply to post by chise61

My Wife is calling her Office today to inform her about that congressman in California you mentioned."Looks like your Governor may have an ally in Cali, maybe someone should point this out to her in case she's unaware."End Quote.

Thank You again and I'll have to locate this congressman on the Internet to thank him. I hope getting e-mails from Arizona residence don't hurt his reelection chances.
to contact Governor Jan Brewer
The full mailing address is:
The Honorable Jan Brewer
Governor of Arizona
1700 West Washington
Phoenix, Arizona 85007

Telephone (602) 542-4331
Toll Free 1-(800) 253-0883
Fax (602) 542-1381

Rep. Dana Rohrabacher contact information
Washington, D.C. Office
2300 Rayburn House Office Building
Washington, DC 20515
(202) 225-2415
Fax (202) 225-0145
District Office
101 Main Street, Suite 380
Huntington Beach, CA 92648
(714) 960-6483
(310) 377-9493
Fax (714) 960-7806

posted on Jun, 7 2010 @ 01:51 PM

Originally posted by guohua
reply to post by DerbyCityLights

Let me guess, A Catholic Church?

The Church needs to stay at of Politics

Where are the people that cry out separation of church and state when things like this is going on?

I'll tell you where they are. They are supporting this because it serves to further their agenda.

Catholics! You got to hate them because you can't love them.

posted on Jun, 7 2010 @ 02:35 PM

Originally posted by Intelearthling

Originally posted by guohua
reply to post by DerbyCityLights

Let me guess, A Catholic Church?

The Church needs to stay at of Politics

Where are the people that cry out separation of church and state when things like this is going on?

I'll tell you where they are. They are supporting this because it serves to further their agenda.

Catholics! You got to hate them because you can't love them.

"Where are the people that cry out separation of church and state when things like this is going on?" End Quote.

Where are they you ask? In court filing cases against churches so they can't ring their bells or feed the needy in their neighbor hoods.
Or looking for another cross to have removed or a biblical verse removed from a court house or city park statue. Next the Progressive Liberals will be looking to remove any and all crosses and biblical verses from cemeteries.

But another Nations Government Representative using a Church to promote and help Illegals circumventor our Nations Laws, Well, Whats Wrong With That? America is Evil, didn't you read your Liberal hand book?
What are you trying to do, keep that Liberal in California from getting their palm trees trimmed and their grass cut
? OMG, Whats wrong with you, The Separation of Church and State, Does not apply here.

[edit on 7-6-2010 by guohua]

posted on Jun, 7 2010 @ 02:58 PM

Originally posted by OutKast Searcher
Now if a United States business or bank is dumb enough to accept a MEXICAN ID card (It says MEXICO right on the top of the card)...then that is their problem.

Please tell me...what is the issue here?

Banks are accepting these ID's now, ...

Matrícula Consular

On September 14, 2004, the United States Congress voted down a motion to prevent financial institutions from accepting consular IDs.
Early in 2009, despite a global recession, a bank teller at Chevy Chase Bank quit his job when the bank announced that it would accept the MCAS cards as identification. The bank is promoting the event as an "Hispanic Banking Initiative."

And now it seems like other countries want their own ID cards used in the USA!

Due to the lobbying efforts by the Mexican government's foreign Consular agents since March 2002, several U.S. states, municipalities, and businesses have been accepting the Matricula Consular as an official form of identification.[4][5] Two million Mexican CIDs were issued in 2002-2003.[6] A number of countries have followed suit including Guatemala, Brazil, and Ecuador. Other countries are considering the program, including: Colombia, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua, and Peru.[2][7] "Peru has specifically cited the acceptance of the Mexican CID card in the United States as a factor contributing to its interest in issuing a CID card."

Why would an illegal immigrant now want to get a LEGAL US ID card now, and risk being found in the country illegally, when all they have to do is use their own countries ID card?

Just another way for Mexico to help illegal immigrants in the US stay in the US and keep the money they earn crossing the border!

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