Well reading what everyone has placed it is true in stating that nobody really knows who made what, but as for what occurred in creation something had
to intervene. The complexity of it all is extraordinary to say the least. Things to note that I myself have concluded from a God point of view is what
type of God must there be. You can look back in history and people can point to a God such as Zeus, Ra, and so forth but for there to be a supreme God
then it would have to be a God like in the Bible. That God must then have various qualities, omnipotent, omnipresent, omniscient. Where he is not
affected by time at all, though can still intervene whenever he needs be. He can just as easily create the Earth in 6 days even 1 if need be if he
were to be omnipotent, as well as use evolution if he wanted to. That God cannot then be humanized for the rules/ laws placed on the creation, us, it
would only affect us and not the creator of the laws for he goes above the laws. As well if one was to think logically it would be like that of
computer where for example a human was to create a computer to complete a task, that computer would only focus on that task and never can move away
from what it has been programmed unless altered. The Human is not affected by the law placed on the computer for he made the law only on what he
created. The same would apply to that of God, he goes beyond, yet him being not affected by time means he goes beyond our time, or dimension. That is
why some say that like we are in a 3 dimensional world, or of more, then he is in of itself in another or beyond, able to perceive all and know all.
Now about the second subject if aliens created us, they would in fact have to be technologically advanced far more than we are. As well must have
surpassed the ability to perceive things such as fear, for we are held to it many at times to some sense. There has been evidence too much to even
write about how they have interfered with humanity over the years, now being Fallen Angels/ Demons, advanced races, so called Gods, that conclusion is
based on your reasoning of what you find. They could be hear to help us as well grow and teach us like the days of the past. But as well one has to be
open minded in many things such as if you are to say then that the aliens created us then who created them. And then it continues if yet another race
made then and so on, which would then have to result in there being a God above the laws, or as some say evolutionary.
Now if we are to look at evolution we are to see a few things like some stated with the similarities of the chromosomes, and so on and so on with
explanation. One merely cannot just pull fossils and say this belonged to this species or this species, unless the fossils were discovered intact, all
together. One as well cannot simply point out that just because it has similarities in bone structure it can be the same. If one was to say as well we
evolved from apes then why is it that human bones are found with dinosaur bones in layers of the Earth, where humanity was not found possible to be
found. Such as the same deformities of what in ancient texts they described of Nephilims, explaining why some humans appeared in history to be like
that of Giants, or even the recent finds of the supposed Hobbits. Dna being yet another way into one asking questions wanting to know yet more and
more how it is constructed in such a way.
All I am merely trying to point out is that basing no matter what one may think or say, no one really knows unless if truly one dies and see's God, or
comes in contact with the supposed alien race, in where the reveal themselves to the Earth, or finally in where we are nothing more than an extreme
form of chance that just happened to get everything right in this universe, all the laws, the amount of oxygen, the right living place for life to
come about. No matter what we believe we hold onto it by Faith in whatever sense in which you find it to be, but one as well must be open minded to
such ideas as what if there is a God, is an alien advanced race, is evolution. That is one of the greatest accomplishments of man, whoever or however
we were created, it is the ability for us to believe, question, think, feel, love, or research. Though humanity has come a long way from being mere
experiments, from being apes, from being in the image of God, sinners, we have as well grown to be a race that has changed the face of our planet if
not then the galaxy or universe in any way, us being small or not compared to it. But in all our lives and in our race, we would always feel a void to
seek for our purpose and as well seek for truth always until we find it, or it finds us.
edit on 10-10-2010 by Lite77g because: Fixing