posted on Jun, 2 2010 @ 09:50 PM
those pictures make me physically ill.
the causalities that led up to those pictures make me more physically ill.
it seems to me that the main effort by b.p. in capping/closing that leak was focused primarily on ways that would minimize the amount of oil they
would lose, instead on how to close the leak in the initial few days, first week or so.
i look within myself for a basis for comparison when attempting to judge that level of blatant apathetic indifference, and i can't find it within
if i share more than 99% of identical dna with these people, how are we so different in our choices, intentionality, and our actions and behaviors?
according to reports they were fighting on the rig about something.
more than a month later they don't have to share what that arguement was about? proceedures? equiptment? last nights poker game?
although it is hard to stomach,
thank you for sharing and good find!
flag and star.
[edit on 2-6-2010 by Esoteric Teacher]