posted on Jun, 3 2010 @ 06:52 AM
reply to post by chise61
reply to post by SLAYER69
I am so happy others out there recognize this. In all of the “I hate Wal Mart” threads out there the “all their stuff is from China” comes up.
While not entirely true, they do have a large amount of stuff from China. But so does nearly every store I go to Sears, K Mart, Target, you name it. I
even posted a list of companies in one of these threads of those who use slave like conditions and child labor. In that list was Apple for using
China, child labor, and near slave labor. No one seemed to care and no matter what it was all Wal Mart that was evil. I guess many in that thread were
Apple users.
I have pointed out many other times how Apple treats its employees few on ATS pay attention but then complain about so much coming out of China. I
have no problem with getting some stuff from China even at a cheaper rate as long as it is not at the expense of another human. Looking for a cheaper
deal is how the world works and with so many places in economic troubles in the last years I would think most everyone on ATS would be looking for
deals ass well.
However, in the end what the two of you have said could not be more true. It boils down to being China’s fault. The U.S. has its problems no doubt
about it, we have lost a number of our jobs because they have moved out of country. They moved though not only because it was cheaper to make things
elsewhere, but because other countries allow their citizens to be nothing more than slaves. It is this that allows things to be made cheaper somewhere
else than in the U.S.
It might be wrong for the companies to take advantage of this, but being human nature it is going to happen as long as there are governments who care
nothing about their citizens.