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How is it possible for 9/11 to be planed in advanced?

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posted on Jun, 2 2010 @ 01:27 AM
Earlier today I came across many videos on youtube which present imagery of 9/11 and the WTC attacks before it actually happened. As well as post of 9/11 could have been planed since the 70's.
Here's the first video of the users many 9/11 in Hollywood play-list.
At the end of the first video is a picture of the twin towers destroyed in the movie Super Mario Bros. Which eerily show in advanced where the planes struck the buildings.

Now a picture from 9/11. Look at where the planes hit!

This just blows my mind how a simple movie from Super Mario Bros can have a huge coincidence with the worst terrorist attack on the U.S.

My opinion on 9/11 being a inside job is highly possible. One question is how was it possible?

posted on Jun, 2 2010 @ 01:47 AM
After long searching. I found a picture to a cover of a book released in the 70's.
Which shows a plane flying in the direction of the twin towers.

posted on Jun, 2 2010 @ 02:00 AM
There are two interpretations as far as 9/11 symbolism in Hollywood movies and T.V series are concerned. One is that the illuminati warns the public about its plans by referring to them through symbols (overtly or in a subtle way) in the public domain. The other school of thought says that the World Trade Center was an immensely popular structure and hence it is obvious that the theme of destruction of this tower could be amongst the favorites for all the Hollywood movie script writers. However, when you find an exact replica of the plot repeated in T.V series like "The Lone Gunman" and then that same T.V series is pulled off the air few months later, then surely it is bound to raise a red flag.

posted on Jun, 2 2010 @ 02:48 AM
Have you seen the Simpsons episode with what seems to be a prediction 6 years in advance?

And here is a clip from The Lone Gunmen from March 2001.

I seen someone posted a thread a few days ago about the Illuminati card game that depicts similar situations.. Ie. WTC, Pentagon, The current oil spill, etc. And the cards were made back in the 90's I believe?

I am still pretty skeptical but there seems to be alot of strange pre 9/11 movies, and such that seem to show a foreknowledge.

posted on Jun, 2 2010 @ 02:53 AM
reply to post by Romantic_Rebel

Hey friend!

I always found this to be very interesting as well. As I understand, since around 1930, a major event had been planned for the middle of the month of September, 2001 in New York, in order to be the last "chess move" into the NWO. I do not have a source link for that, but it was also recently mentioned in the "Dawn of a New Day" presentation by Jordan Maxwell. But exactly what was to happen I doubt was known at the time. But there is so much in the media and government that pointed to the twin towers before the disaster that its disgusting, to say the least. Take the pic below:


1997, and by FEMA. It is the cover of the Terror Response manual. Wild stuff isn't it? Not sure if you ever saw it or not, but it is still heart-dropping.

[edit on 2-6-2010 by Enigami]

posted on Jun, 2 2010 @ 03:01 AM

If you look hard enough you will find loads of these co-incidences.

I'm pretty sure every major landmark has been blown up, mentioned, talked about or written on walls in movies and tv shows.

What would be the point of some super villain group(illuminati or whatever fantasy thing you call it) putting this into the Super Mario film... so people on this paranoid websites can excessively cry about it?

Grow up people, Gremlins 2 had nothing to do with 9/11

posted on Jun, 2 2010 @ 03:10 AM
reply to post by FAQAmerica

if you believe they are just "coincidences", fine. But there's no way you can truly believe the Illuminati is just a fantasy villain group. If you do, you haven't done much reading about the history of government, and those who are and have been in power. Even George Bush, Jr. admits he is a member of skull and bones for christ sake, in his own autobiography.

posted on Jun, 2 2010 @ 03:50 AM
I think the PDB report was used to plan the whole thing in advance. Because 20 minutes after the first plain hit the tower. Bin Laden and his organisation was already given the blame for the whole thing.

The PDB report is later used to give Bin Laden the official blame. Because it is well documented about a terrorist attack going to take place in the United States.

Here Condoleezza Rice is lying about the PDB report. Everybody knows about this, but don't really give it any attention.

Here Paul Thompson mentions some of the warnings given to the US prior to the 911 attacks.

posted on Jun, 2 2010 @ 04:10 AM
Half of the clips just show the towers....they were pretty Iconic buildings on the New York sky for all the 9/11's they are just coincidences as has been said....I bet if I pick out a number from the sky you could find many movies/tv shows with that date plastered all over them

posted on Jun, 2 2010 @ 09:35 AM

Originally posted by Enigami
1997, and by FEMA. It is the cover of the Terror Response manual. Wild stuff isn't it? Not sure if you ever saw it or not, but it is still heart-dropping.

This is a sterling example of the conspiracy theorists' being so attracted to the idea there was some sinister conspiracy going on that they WANT it to be true. That cover of the FEMA report with the image of the WTC isn't as "heart dropping" once it's pointed out that the report was printed four years *after* terrorists attacked the WTC in 1993, so everyone including the WTC staff themselves knew the WTC was on the terrorists' radar. What else would they put on a report that discusses terrorist attacks on US soil, British soldiers burning down the Capitol building in 1812?

This baloney was invented by that POS punk con artist Dylan Avery and was first disseminated via his Loose Change mockumentary, His motive isn't to discover the truth about anything. His motive is to swindle people with these games in order to foster false public unrest and get everyone all paranoid over shadows so you'll buy his knicknacks.

I said it before and I'll say it again- if these conspiracy theorists would ever hold their own claims up the the same exacting level of microscopic critical analysis that they do the 9/11 commission report, they wouldn't be conspiracy theorists for very long.

posted on Jun, 2 2010 @ 11:30 AM
reply to post by Enigami

1997, and by FEMA. It is the cover of the Terror Response manual. Wild stuff isn't it? Not sure if you ever saw it or not, but it is still heart-dropping.

Have a copy of this - was my course guide for class on Terrorism response
at Fire Academy. Took course 6 months before March 2001

Our instructor, a retired state police officer, pointed out that towers had been attacked before in 1993 and probably would be again

So does this mean he was in on plot?

Or was just voicing his opinion?

As others pointed out can find many coindences.....

posted on Jun, 2 2010 @ 05:16 PM
Yeah but Bush said in one of his speeches that no one could have predicted they would fly planes into buildings when FEMA published that document in preparation of such an event beforehand. How can they draw up literature and print someothing about a scenario and then say they can't believe it would happen? They did the exact same thing with a plane flying into the Pentagon. I can't believe the people still in denial.

posted on Jun, 2 2010 @ 06:52 PM
well it was, they even paid to have one side of the pentagon reinforced to withstand a missle attack. >>>?
I figure it was a muslim plan - that they chickened out on and the Mossad knew and so did the CIA and they either, completed it for the muslims or the muslims were the innocent victims of 911. who knows, I wasnt there.
but the evidence is pointing towards Mossad and CIA.

posted on Jun, 2 2010 @ 08:30 PM
reply to post by GoodOlDave

The first WTC bombing was, again, known very well ahead of time and even given the go-ahead and planned by the FBI and CIA. This is well-documented, and there are recordings from wire tapping that prove so. It was the first attempt in using Muslims as patsy's. This isn't just some nutty conspiracy, but fact.

The Twin Towers' final demise had been well known for a couple of decades. I don't come to that conclusion based on assumption, but wire-taps that implicitly say so. Just look up Randy Glass.

posted on Jun, 2 2010 @ 10:23 PM
reply to post by Anti-Evil

well it was, they even paid to have one side of the pentagon reinforced to withstand a missle attack. >>>?

Actually entire Pentagon was being renovated including installing bomb resistant kevlar liners in walls and blast resistant windows.

The section (west) struck by AA77 was the first sectiuon to be completed.

The renovation program included the following improvements to the building:

Exterior walls reinforced with steel
Exterior walls backed with Kevlar
Blast-resistant windows installed
Fire sprinklers installed
Automatic fire doors installed
Building operations and control center created

The steel reinforcements to the walls consisted of tubular frames surrounding the window openings and attaching to the reinforced concrete floor slabs. Each windowed wall panel (between vertical concrete columns) was retrofitted with a piece consisting of two horizontal tubes welded to two vertical tubes running from the floor to the ceiling. 3

This illustration shows reinforcements added to the Pentagon's walls as seen from the inside. Reinforced concrete columns are shown in gray, and tubular steel reinforcements are pictured in red.

The reinforcements were to be sequentially applied to the five wedges of the Pentagon over time. Wedge One -- one of five sections of the Pentagon -- was the first to be retrofitted, and the upgrades to the exterior wall were complete by 9/11/01. Wedge Two was apparently yet to be retrofitted. The plane crashed into the building's exterior entirely within Wedge One.

Kevlar cloth was stretched between the steel columns to provide blast resistance to the short spans of brick wall. 4

The original windows were replaced with blast-resistant windows nearly two inches thick.

posted on Jun, 3 2010 @ 10:33 AM

Originally posted by Enigami

The first WTC bombing was, again, known very well ahead of time and even given the go-ahead and planned by the FBI and CIA. This is well-documented, and there are recordings from wire tapping that prove so. It was the first attempt in using Muslims as patsy's. This isn't just some nutty conspiracy, but fact.

Good grief, not this again. That bit comes from that failed FBI sting that the conspiracy people continuously misquote. The FBI had an informant claiming to be connected to the WTC bombers and the FBI didn't believe he was genuine, but they found out to their cost afterwards that he was. All those recordings you're referring to say is that the informer was working well with his FBI handlers until their clueless manager stepped in and fouled things up. The FBI dropped the ball, no two ways about it, but perverting this into "being planned by the FBI and CIA" is a delibetate misrepresention and distortion for the conspiracy theorists' own unscrupulous self interests.

Be honest and admit it- you got all this "well documented information" from one of those damned fool conspiracy web sites, didn't you?

posted on Jun, 3 2010 @ 10:49 AM

Originally posted by Metal Head
Yeah but Bush said in one of his speeches that no one could have predicted they would fly planes into buildings when FEMA published that document in preparation of such an event beforehand. How can they draw up literature and print someothing about a scenario and then say they can't believe it would happen?

Because they're trying to cover their arses? People want to know why the attacks weren't prevented, so their first spin is to say "no one could have predicted something as dastardly as this!"

Nonsense of course, but hardly evidence of an inside job.

posted on Jun, 4 2010 @ 05:47 PM
]reply to post by Anti-Evil

well it was, they even paid to have one side of the pentagon reinforced to withstand a missle attack.

No, it was reinforced to make it more resistant to a car bomb attack. There is a difference between a car bomb and a missile.

posted on Jun, 4 2010 @ 05:49 PM
reply to post by Romantic_Rebel

Gee, dont forget the towers getting clobbered by meteorites in Armaggeddeon. Hands down right there, that proves it was an inside job led by Billy Bob and Bruce.

posted on Jun, 5 2010 @ 01:28 AM
reply to post by Romantic_Rebel

A dirty rat reported the youtube video. It seems to happen a lot when videos are posted on ATS. hmmmm

i have seen it anyway and it is interesting. I am still not sure why that video was removed if it was using the fair and use act.

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