posted on Jun, 1 2010 @ 10:30 PM
I have been wondering if anyone else has been able to gain this ability, lately everything I watch, hear, and see, is telling me the same thing, even
my dreams. For example I was just watching this episode of family guy Seems it gives
hint of rich people and the new world order, and how they can watch everything. I have been meaning to ask this question as I truely believe I have
obtained this power from the use of certain "unnamed" but harmless substances. It seems that a dark force has truely enveloped this world and that
it will be up to a certain group of people who overcome this. It seems that everything we do in this world is trying to tell us something, and that it
takes someone who is awakened to see this. Lately my friends always say what I am currently thinking and that I can sometimes have people say exactly
what I want, is this some sort of mind control? Ive even had the tv randomly switch on during my dad lecturing me on the bible, and the program will
totally contradicted what he was telling me and what I already believe in. I am constantly followed by a large hole in the clouds above me, especially
when I am feeling good and positive. Do any others care to let us know their story on this topic?