posted on Jun, 1 2010 @ 09:27 PM
Being a conspiracy-based site I'd like to throw one out there which to me, boils down the events in the middle east to a very basic level.
I am no world-historian or political activist. I simply have an opinion that I'd like to share.
Israel NEEDS conflict and turmoil to survive. Period.
Every week, every month, every year we see, hear and read about some violent act involving or directed towards Israel. The world expresses shock.
The leaders protest. The U.S. wipes the slate clean...rinse....repeat.
Why? Well, without dredging up the history of that region's conflict, my theory simply involves modern day events.
Without conflict, violence, threats, aggression and victimization - Israel wouldn't exist.
Play devil's advocate for a second and postulate on this... If all violence, war and aggression were to come to an abrupt halt in the Middle East,
would Israel be able to exist? My answer would be NO and I'll try to break it down a bit - please bear with me.
Q1- How does a country with no major exports/GDP continue to exist?
A1 - They receive grants, loans, donations and financing from other countries and organizations.
Q2 - Why do countries float them this funding?
A2 - So Israel can support a military to confront all the aggressions against them.
Q3 - What would happen if there was total peace in that region?
A3 - There would be no need to support a military because there would be no threat, i.e. no need for the money to continue to flow in
Q4 - So how then do you ensure that the money continues to flow?
A4 - You maintain a constant threat-level against yourself.
Q5 - How to you maintain that constant threat?
A5 - You provoke groups/countries/policies/agendas into confrontation. You cry "victim" when the waters calm and you take advantage of public
opinion (read: pocketbooks) and support.
See what I'm getting at here? If the above Q/A is even somewhat accurate, could the events of this week be 100% calculated and planned? Squeaky
wheel gets the grease, right? Initial outrage is starting to die down and now all we're left with is hearing the same old "poor us
(victim)...persecuted for thousands of years (victim)...they're supporting a terrorist regime (victim)" .
If every country, group, millionaire and organization in the world decided to STOP any and all support to anyone with motives against the Israeli
govt, what do you think would happen over there? My guess? Nothing. Rockets would (mysteriously) continue to get lobbed. Car-bombs would go
off. Helicopters would still bomb orphanages. Supply-ships would still get sunk.
See where I'm going with this? They're a nation built on blood-money.
Anyway - enough thought-regurgitation. I'd be interested in hearing your thoughts on the matter.