posted on May, 31 2010 @ 11:36 PM
From the day i saw E.T. and noticed fear and violence towards extraterrestrials ,eventually Spielberg became more sensitive about the scene where
gun-wielding federal agents threaten Elliott and his escaping friends; and digitally replaced the guns with me this was a good
video games then like space invaders, bezerker and many more..
and movies like aliens, predator, etc..also show aliens as the intruder or enemy.
i was even quite upset when Steven Hawking came out and told us to be on guard and fear the alien kind in his documentary "Stephen Hawking's
i think it is wrong to judge them in that fashion, maybe i am too open to alien contact and not fearful enough but to greet them with war and violence
will most likely get us nowhere.its a form of discrimination and almost racist.
being an Adult i can still make a decent and mature opinion about it all but if i was conditioned in believing as a kid that they were the enemy i
probably would of had a different view about e.t.'s.
After helping my girlfriends daughter find a proper video game site i came across this video game on a kids site witch got me totally mad, was
wondering what you b.t.s members thought about it.
several other games were also made by the producer but were not available on that kids site. must admit they are kinda funny from an adult point of
view but for children??
hope to hear your opinion.