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Critters of the Gulf Oil Spill

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posted on May, 31 2010 @ 05:39 PM
Yet another oil spill thread...

It occurred to me that amoungst all the oil spill madness I had not yet seen any of the obligatory 'how wildlife has suffered' pictures. Whether this is because I no longer watch TV or because the MSM are not highlighting them I don't know, maybe you can enlighten me.

However I found these pictures after a quick search. I'm posting them here, not for gratuitous value but as a bit of an eye opener I guess. The fact that even a dragonfly is hit by the fallout of the spillage went some way towards opening my mind.

You know when you drive down a street and see a nice car or a nice house but it's been disrespected, mistreated or not cared for in someway? Even though it is purely a material thing it makes me feel a little peeved inside... Well, I'm thinking right now, I'd be embarrassed to be human if a group of extra-terrestrials flew by our beautiful planet - a thing we have been given as a gift, and eyeballed a great stain created by us in the middle of one of our oceans. What species wrecks such an amazing place merely for the love of money?

posted on May, 31 2010 @ 06:35 PM
Thanks for sharing those.

This really angers me
I am sure this is a very minimal look at the destruction this caused all the "critters"!

After the top kill and junk shot attempts failed, I don't have much faith that BP will/can stop this geyser.


posted on May, 31 2010 @ 10:11 PM
All links below are images of dead animals from the BP Oil Volcano:

Interesting article on bets being taken on what animals would most likely become extinct due to the oil gush.

And to give you an idea of what is to come, 1/2 million birds died from Exxon, and much more lost of animal life Source:

posted on Jun, 1 2010 @ 03:08 AM
reply to post by mweiss

Paddy Power are offering odds on an extinction... I guess it will raise awareness. It's just been out to me that all the money they earn from running the book should be put back into conservation/clean up efforts. This would make their campaign slightly more ethical.
Thanks for the links btw.

posted on Jun, 1 2010 @ 03:38 AM
I have found it to be incredibly weird that they aren't showing any of these images in the media. I mean, at least I haven't seen them. I should think that it would be pretty important to report on the marine life being destroyed. Are they trying to downplay the destruction of the "leak" ?

posted on Jun, 1 2010 @ 05:03 AM
reply to post by and14263

It's pretty disturbing, that we the human plague have done this to our planet. I'm sure given time it will recover but I guess it will recover quicker without us about.
Rotten humans

posted on Jun, 1 2010 @ 06:39 PM
1,000s of Dead Fish in Mobile, AL

Yet another death toll to the wildlife. This is insanity!

posted on Jun, 1 2010 @ 10:10 PM
With the death of tourism looming over 5 states, Texas, Louisana, Mississippi, Alabama and Florida I have requested my senators to give me an oil tanker with an oil/water seperator and 10 million dollars billed to the oil companies NOT from taxes to start a clean up along the gulf coast.
Of course I live in KY so I don't believe it will get very far but the 100 foot long sharks, the 500 pound turtles,the manatees with the 8 foot necks and all that gulf shrimp and if some good water spouts come up it could affect the carribean the Mexico coast, and ruin all that island fun.
I know it's still leaking but we've waited waaaayyy too long to start cleaning it up.
Thank you for your awareness

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