The trial was due to go ahead early last week.
5 days before the Trial, I got a letter from my Dr, just to say the toll this is having on my physically and mentally.
3 days before the Trial I couldnt walk, and I got a "Soul and conscience" letter from my Dr stating I was physically in no state to appear in court.
The judge accepted this, and set a new date mid/late November
I REEAALLLY wanted to get this over with.
But I couldnt walk. I even toyed with the idea of getting a few mates to carry me up there, but as it was a work day, I couldnt get help.
So here I am, 3 months of waiting again, and I am still no further forward.
I am GONE in terms of mental issues. I have been reffered to the Andrew Duncans Mental Health people and the Pain managment people at the local
I know the court does not give 1 care for me, my disability or my mental health, but I am becoming very cynical towards Lawyers in generel. It is like
my Lawyer is "happy" to keep this going, as i get Legal Aid.
In the UK, If you are earn under a certain amount of money (like me) you are able to get "Legal Aid"
I get the feeling my Lawyer is stringing this along happy in the knowledge she gets £300+ for appearing on my behalf and sending a letter to me.
I got a letter saying I must appear at an Intermediate Diet the trial (1 week apart)
At this present stage, I just cant walk, stand, sit for long, and am spending long spells in bed with a laptop.
Also in the this letter is states
The crown witness and complainer were in attendance on the date. The Judge observed that if you (me) continue to be unfit for trial the a trial CAN be
ordered to talk place in your "mine" absence, This would be very much to your disatvantage
I am no legal expert AT ALL... and my lawyer is, well, very hard to speak to, and get a hold off.
Few questions.
Can I ask my Local MP (Member of parliment" to ask the PF/Crown/Court or Police to reviev the case?
I have stated a number of times I am not guilty, the police never gave My partner (Who was 8 months pregnant) My 15 year old son, or I the right to
give a statement on the day of the event.
I am the "Accused" only because there is 1 independent witness (police told me this)
I can prove to anyone, right now, that this independant witness is 100% wrong.
As I stated in a few posts, I was hospitalised by these events.
I have started procedured against the person who hit me with the side bumber from the other car.
I am also (and any advice would be BRILLIANT at this stage) looking to see if anyone can help me get somone to re-look at this case.
I am disabled, i cant walk most days. I am being punished because of this.
I am not hiding behind my disability, but my disability is making it hard for me to get this DONE!
There is a definate connection between Stress/Mental Health and Pain
Right now, I am experiencing this. Was told so by a pain managment person last week.
This is NOT a big case really.
if 1 is...swearing and getting done with breach of the peace
and 10 is murder, this is about a 2 or a 3. But my inability to get to court is making it VERY hard for me, and it is holding me back in life
My Daughter who is 6 weeks old now, Chloe Dawn
She had her hearing test done at 4 weeks, and we think she may be deaf
Nothing at all registered, and it is tearing my partner and I to bits.
We will love her with all out hearts no matter what, but this is just more added stress, that leads to more pain, that leads to me being a bigger
burden on my family.
I am a proud lad, a man of ethics and morals, and I feel less a man right now.
I am a wrech. This has been the worst 2 years of my life
The 2 shining lights of hope/love and happiness, my 2 new daughters, 16 months and 6 weeks old keep me going. (just)
edit on 11/9/2010 by shauny because: (no reason given)