posted on May, 31 2010 @ 06:25 PM
MMA or "cage fighting" is no worse than football, boxing or any other full contact sport.
MMA fighters tend to have less head trauma than boxers for the simple fact that the moderately padded gloves allow for quick one punch ko's, and the
fact that repeated, un-blocked punches result in a referee stoppage.
Boxers take THOUSANDS of shots to the head. The heavy padding in the gloves make on punch KO's much harder to achieve, thus more trauma is inflicted,
resulting in hundreds of "punch drunk" boxers that stumble around into old age half-stupid.
I'm not saying that MMA is the most enlightened sport known to man, but it is a great way to learn dedication, sacrifice and to see how hard work
pays off. A man has to have an outlet for his aggressions if he is to remain polite and well-balanced. That is my opinion at least, and knowing,
training and sparring with a great number of fighters, I can say that they have been some of the most level-headed and easy going individuals I have
met outside of the gym.
I will not comment any further on my use of shrooms as the mods have made the T&C clear on the subject, just know that a "bad trip" won't make a
sane man rip another man's heart out. Shrooms enhance the inner thoughts and feelings of an individual. If on is paranoid or depressed normally, a
shroom trip is more than likely to increase those feelings. If one is in the right mind set, looking for introspection and OBE's, well, they will
generally get what they want, hence its recorded use for thousands of years in ceremonial settings. If a man is mentally ill and holds deranged
thoughts of murder in his or her head, then I see it being entirely possible that the shrooms pushed him over the edge.
This is no excuse for his actions though. The man is obviously mentally ill and should be treated as such. Mushrooms and MMA are a moot point, as
neither is directly responsible for this man's sick and delusional thinking and actions. End of story.