posted on May, 30 2010 @ 02:59 PM
One aspect of the leak that is being inexplicably ignored is the methane component of the daily volume. Since low-end estimates place the gas
percentage at 40%
at the wellhead, i.e.,
compressed due to the pressure at depth, and that by the time it rises to the surface, again
using low-end estimates, it will expand by some 164 times, then by volume the gas is ultimately a far bigger component of the leak.
But no seems to be paying attention to it.
For those interested or worried by it, I have collected a large array of sources and information about methane hydrates and the dangers of methane in
this thread:
Gulf spill: is the methane a bigger problem than the oil?
It's probably easier to read and understand by going back to front, the earlier posts were more background and less specific.
The volumes of gas being released is truly staggering and frightful.