posted on Jun, 1 2010 @ 11:43 AM
I am curious about why this was moved. Hemp is not illegal due to illicit substance abuse. Hemp is illegal due to excessive lobbying from the pulp &
paper corporations in the early 1900's. I should know, I grew up in a pulp and paper town and one of my great-grandfathers owned a hemp fiber
Also, many hemp products are NOT illegal. Am I breaking the ATS rules because I drank some commercially produced hemp milk at a sustainable living
convention over the weekend?
So why is this in Alt. Sub. Conspiracies? Over-reactive moderators? A misunderstanding regarding the nature of Hemp and it's uses (Both historical
and modern)?
Really, I'm curious here.
EDIT: Edited to add that Hemp is only really restricted in the USA now. Canada relaxed it's laws regarding Hemp in the late 1990's (Coinciding with
the collapse of the lumber industry in BC, oddly enough) and now a wide variety of commercial hemp industries are springing up.
[edit on 1-6-2010 by D.E.M.]