posted on Jun, 10 2004 @ 03:36 PM
I dunno, I picture it going one of two ways:
1) a ponderous CBS/NBC/ABC mini-series "event" (perhaps each network has their own airing head-to-head) featuring the usual suspects on these types
of movies, every aging once-famous movie star & young actor currently starring on a WB/UPN TV series.
2) An even more ponderous TBS/USA/HBO movie "event" featuring a bunch of A-list actors like Robin Williams and Julia Roberts who feel they must
participate in the film as a act of patriotism.
In contrast, I would like to see a very well-made independent film on the subject. Perhaps one like "Traffic" where you follow the points-of-view
of several different people: a terrorist (just how do they live out the day before they slam an airliner into a skyscraper?), a worker at the WTC,
George Bush, a firefighter, a frantic New Yorker with a child attending school near the site, etc. But I think it is more likely that a ponderous
movie/mini-series event will be made first.
Does anybody remember this film w/Sigourney Weaver that came out a year or so after 911, where she plays a writer interviewing a firefighter?