posted on May, 31 2010 @ 11:22 AM
I am not sure if this will help you in deciding what to do about making a difference but I have been informed that competing oil companies may have
some ideas that would assist BP...but they are not going to help.
Profit before humanity. The two companies that have been drilling off shore not only have the materials, but they also have the experienced labor
force. BP is just a baby in the field and if these companies wait it out, they can come in after BP goes belly up.
Boycotting BP products isn't going to do a damn thing except bancrupt the company responsible for the mess. To get some action, we have to include
all oil companies. That is just too high a price for the majority of people to pay.
Re-election is just around the corner and the clean up is going to be the platform for many of the candidates. How bad are we going to let it get
before the people pull their oil soaked heads out of the sand?
The leak cannot be stopped. Reports that the mess is toxic keeps people from volunteering to go help with the clean up. If BP goes bancrupt, we are
pretty much screwed but if they stay in business, we are supporting everything wrong. Damned if we do and damned if we don't...sounds like what I
tell myself everytime I cast my vote.
I did find out that if people really wanted to hit BP hard while spreading the effects, we have to strike where it hurts the most...the stock market
and financial institutes. They are all profiting on borrowed money...ours! The only problem is that it will initiate an economic fall that will make
The Great Depression look like a grain of sand on a beach. That is the conspiracy. We pay for the privelege of paying and we were allowed to live
like kings and queens among the "gods of profit" but it has always been a pyramid scheme floating money to the top.
The only way to collapse the giant is to collapse the very foundation it is built on and we are standing on it too. I am sorry. We can little things
to make us feel like we are doing something but until we bring the house down, we aren't doing much.