Ive been a viewer ond reader of this site for a while now. so youll see i hardly every post much. I was sitting back tring to thing of how one person
or a few could make an impact in this world, and I belive they can. I choose music as do many.
This is a gift to anyone who has fought or not returned from fighting in these wars.
I did not serve in the military , but my band mates and I tried to make something with some meaning. please dont take offensse to this as its not ment
to hurt anyone.
What a wonderful tribute with touching lyrics. The voice is awesome too...
Every time a soldier die, it is so heartbreaking. Still they did all they could, to make this world a better place for other people. So they surely
did not "sacrifice" their lifes for nothing. All the deepest respect for the "angels" and "vets"