posted on May, 28 2010 @ 03:29 AM
4I'm new here. I came across this site a couple of days ago. Read it. Loved it. This is a really good site and great forums with good
activity. I'm from India and i'm not in US working or taking your jobs or something. This kind of forum and active members are not in India.
Although a few moderate stuff are there. I believe rather than trying to talk to Indians it'll be way better to talk in forums of US and
international people. Any change in US or international will inflict a chain reaction and all chaos would be the result throwing the governments and
the shadow people 'illuminati' off. Any change in US is good for the rest for the world. I believe its forums and sites like these speaking out the
truth and clearing people of ignorance. The Rothchild and scumbags co are even present in India. These guys must be thrown off.
Let there be chaos. Let there be Freedom.