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curious new guy

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posted on Jun, 8 2004 @ 11:27 PM
This web site has lots of fruit salad.....Lots of choices, buttons and options.
Need to get the hang of it. With all the reading I do regarding ET's and lately about alien bases (this scares the crap out of me!) I wonder where we are all headed. Somebody, please come back with an intelligent
response, because really, I take this stuff seriously. When is the gov't
going to wake up? This all reminds me of the A.C. Clark Sci Fi classic novel, "Childhood's End!" With all of the coincident reports of these bases, why is this not common knowledge, accepted by the general public. Why does a person have to be worried that they will be considered a crackpot if they bring this
subject up?

posted on Jun, 8 2004 @ 11:30 PM
Hi there, phredr. Welcome to ATS!

posted on Jun, 8 2004 @ 11:31 PM
Well phredr, welcome. You will find like minded people here. Not me, but if you need a hand I would be willing to help you out. Check it out, there are people here with your interests. See you around.

posted on Jun, 8 2004 @ 11:31 PM
People can say what they wish about me. I have been called many things from eccentric to amazing and everything in between, but in the end I choose who I wish to converse with. If you allow others opinions to duly influence you, then you become someone other than yourself. But thats just my opinion. You are unique. I am unique. But so many people want to be just one of the herd. Now that is what bothers me.

My advice is to learn as much as you can and make up your own mind about such things as you have spoken. The more info you get the more educated will be your opinon.

Welcome to ATS

posted on Jun, 9 2004 @ 06:20 PM
Welcome to ATS phredr,
if you need anything semd me a u2u
hope you enjoy the site ill cya round


posted on Jun, 9 2004 @ 06:25 PM
Welcome to ATS,

Nice to meet you,
Well jump right in and take a good look around.

Feel free to u2u me if you have any questions or need any help,


posted on Jun, 9 2004 @ 07:02 PM

Originally posted by phredr
Why does a person have to be worried that they will be considered a crackpot if they bring this
subject up?

Sounds to me that your calling yourself a crackpot.

On a different beat, welcome aboard to ats, click the tutorials link at the top of the page to get started.

posted on Jun, 10 2004 @ 07:38 AM
Welcome to ATS

[Edited on 10-6-2004 by Sapphire]

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