posted on May, 27 2010 @ 06:44 PM
What do you guys think? I know that people have offhand suggested a nuclear weapon to stop the blowout, but thats kind of counter-productive. What
do you do with millions of gallons of nuclear oil and contaminated water? The cleanup would be even more impossible than it is now. Do you guys
think HAARP could be used for good to trigger an earthquake and stop this disaster if the top-kill doesn't work? The military does have a stake in
the outcome. They could even put a large conventional explosive near the leaks and trigger it at the same time. It would be easy to blame the quake
on the explosive. Just say it was triggered by hydrostatic shock deep in the earth. Just do something that has a chance.
I personally think that HAARP-like technology can trigger quakes - when the conditions are right. I think that some groups with this technology
(there are a few) may have unintentionally or intentionally caused a few quakes where aurora were present before the quake in southern latitudes.
Whether the conditions would be right in the Gulf I have no idea.
[edit on 27-5-2010 by wanderingwaldo]