posted on May, 27 2010 @ 06:41 PM
Today (actually only about 30 minutes ago) I logged on my PC and came to ATS to educate myself on the days events.
While typing a reply to a previous post, I noticed something was very different. Anytime I hovered my cursor over a word, a small popup appears. It
contains the Google "g", the word beneath the cursor and some Spanish translations. Also, I just discovered that if I it the spellcheck button and
move my cursor too quickly to the text screen, the popup suspends the spellcheck function.....Lovely......
This is new from less than 24 hours ago, when I was last on this PC.. No one else has used it, since then.
Is this something Google has chosen to do, arbitrarily? I do have the Google toolbar and use (I should say used) Google exclusively. Has anyone else
noticed this change?
I realize the popup also contains a "disable" button, but that is beside the point. Is Google trying to make a statement, regarding the current
illegal immigration debate? If so, I will be making a statement of my own. I'll switch to using Bing, effectively immediately. Unless an ATS member
can suggest a better option.