posted on May, 28 2010 @ 01:42 AM
Delighted in her delirium, she destroyed all that was dear. Defensively, I deadened my emotions, and ignored her dirty deeds and desperately looked
for what was good and pure inside her despicable heart. Mind numbingly debilitated, I remained deaf to her debasements and debaucheries, as if
decaffeinating her destruction, I pretended I was debonair.
She once declared her love for me, in that typical decasyllabic, and deconstructive way of hers, and my heart skipped, then stopped, as if I were
dead. Like the deceased, I ceased to hate her as I so often did, and smiled in a devilish way, knowing full well her deceit was demonstrable, but it
was so much what I desired to hear, it was worth forsaking my deafness to hear it. Of all the decencies in an obscene world, that moment of delusion,
that second of civility, where she declared her love for me, was what decided my fate, as the decimals of her soft, but ever shrill coo-cooing and
caw-cawing, danced around my soul like the color red tripping the light fantastic, like diligent wavelengths do.
Decades after that moment, or maybe it was just an hour or so, I decided that romantic deceits were not enough to decipher the encrypted heart of
demons and demented souls, yet even so, I remained docile and dearly waited for some sort of declassification of her top secret, for her eyes only,
devoid and destitute heart. If I could have declawed her, defanged her, I would have, but then would she be the one I still love and adore today? If
I be so disinclined to depart, and dissolve a disinterested love affair, where would I go, and whom would I love then?
Decisions, decisions, decisions, I decided to stay, and in those desperate hours, or maybe they were decades, I delighted in her delirium, and we
danced across the color red like dark demons, laughing and swirling, decrying our deepest innermost deeds and thoughts, dedicating our distaste for
each other to the defamation's of love, and we let desire be one with debauchery, and settled for the defaulting defeasabilities of defeat.