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Truth denied to billions

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posted on May, 26 2010 @ 05:40 AM
It seems to me our (conspiracy theorists) biggest problem is people have preconceived idea about the world (usually based on what the media/friends/family say) and trying to convince a lot of people even when there obviously wrong is often near impossible, especially if they're passionate about the subject.

Personally the only success I've had is with, slowly making people realise the truth.

Most of the theories on here could be resolved near over night if they had widespread public support.

How do we wake people up to the truths of this world?

Have any of you had any success with this?

[edit on 26-5-2010 by monkofmimir]

posted on May, 26 2010 @ 07:12 AM
You do have a point and it is something we have pondered in our house on occasions.

There are so many things that could, and probably would, be changed if the greater population could get their heads out of Big Brother and I'm A Celebrity and the like, and the various magazines, and see what is going on in the world and how they are being railroaded into the niche the governments or PTB want, and they are blissfully oblivious to the fact.

You just have to keep hammering away, sending out emails showing your friends and relatives etc etc.

Until most of them (the sheeple) are about to go through the doors of the railway wagon transporting them to the nearest FEMA or equivalent camp most of them will not have a clue what is going on, and even then they will think it is 'for the best'. Tell that to the Lemmings!

[edit on 26/5/2010 by PuterMan]

posted on May, 26 2010 @ 07:17 AM
I used to think if the info was put out and understood properly people would take an interest. But the simple, sad fact is that most people just don't care..even if they understand what you are saying completely, doesn't matter. They still couldn't give a damn, im talking about politics mostly.

[edit on 26-5-2010 by Solomons]

posted on May, 26 2010 @ 07:41 AM
Your question is basically asking people to blow their own horns, but in the spirit of sharing, Ill share.

First, try to decide if the person has a IQ that is still functioning. Many are already beyond hope, like my sister in law who believes what she wants to and only accepts what big brother puts on TV.

Second, you have to get their attention. People are always ready to say, sure, tell me what ever it is, but in reality, their head is a million miles away deciding what to cook for dinner or watch on TV that night. Its kind of like when you start a speech, get their attention, say something radical and wait for it to sink in.

The deeper they are into the matrix, the less detail you give them at first. Do not over whelm them with the entire story all at once, lead in little by little so they have time to absorb the new mind set. Use simple logic and facts that can be confirmed in the MSM.

They will become agitated to the point where they want to prove you wrong, but let them because most of the time its the only way they will believe, after they find it out for themselves.

Also, I know how desperate we are in trying to awaken family members to some of the deeper truths, but take a moment before you do. If you have a great relationship with them, you can try, but if there is any animosity between you and any one member, move on. It will only be used against you to further any in fighting. Complete strangers take the truth better than a vengeful family member.

posted on May, 26 2010 @ 07:51 AM
There's so many years and layers of conditioning and reinforced conditioning that becoming awake is a marathon, an entire life challenge.
The "propaganda and conditioning" never end, there's always something new added to the arsenal, some new twist or press release or event or created fiasco.
The "game" is played by those who control your efforts, your labor, your output.
Sharing information with eachother on the net or in lawn chairs in the back yard or at the water cooler has only replaced the shared talk of slaves kept in the slave houses from centuries past.
Currently, we all live under a glass ceiling, all of us that are not directly involved in the making of the choices offered to survive.
You dont rely on the slave master doling out you food rations or clothing,
instead he hands you a piece of paper assigned a value that you in turn use to go get the products and services you need to survive,
and you purchase them from him and his buddies, only to survive to do it again the next day, and if you need more paper, you can buy it in the form of a loan with interest.
Your focus is survival, eating and water and shelter.
How long can you go without focusing on that?
Not too long, so you really dont have the luxury of constant research time to become awake, and even when you begin to see through the smoke and mirrors, you still have the daily task of survival to address.
UNLESS youre invited into the circle.
It's not as easy as flipping a switch.

posted on May, 26 2010 @ 08:01 AM
reply to post by monkofmimir

It can become a very attention consuming issue and since I am not here to modify anyones will I try not to. I do tend to share some light with others that I feel will be openminded enough to comprehend what I am saying. Sometimes it comes off to me that the people I communicate with just are too deep in fear to except that some of these conspiracies are real and they shut down and dont want to hear about it. I dont get mad at them nor pressure them to understand I look to the lord and hope he has their backs in the end. Some seem receptive and some just dont for some reason.

[edit on 5/26/10 by Ophiuchus 13]

posted on May, 26 2010 @ 08:03 AM
reply to post by Solomons
Ive never been able to understand why people dont care about the possibility of massive future changes on the planet. Even if they believe one percent of it, that would be something. What could be more important than your life and the life of your family, and of course the condition of the planet. Nowt as queer as folk.

posted on May, 26 2010 @ 04:34 PM
I am afraid I cannot be quite so laid back about it as the 13th sign of the Zodiac! I find it mind boggling that so many people are living in complete ignorance of what is going on, and as a poster said, in complete denial in some cases.

Are people really so completely wrapped up in their own little worlds that they care not wahat happens to them, or indeed what is often done in their name?

I am not saying that everyone should be an activist for causes, but surely a greater awarness of the world we live in is the birthright of all people and most of them are being denied this. Through this lack of awarness the perpetrators of our woes are enabled.

The fact that a certain group of people is apparently hell bent on domination of this world, to the detriment of it's people is something that no sane person should tolerate, yet I feel so frustrated sometimes - how do we tell them?

posted on May, 26 2010 @ 04:49 PM
you know, Ive asked myself the same question OP. Ive tried to talk to my family and friends about different conspiracies that all are tightly wooven together, and call me CRAZY, but it ALL makes sense to me. Now Im not the type to talk about it for hours and hours (Unless Im on here debating) But I do like to warn my family and friends of the POSSIBILITY of it all.. THAT YES, ALL OF THESE THINGS ARE POSSIBLE, just to try and get there minds to do some critical thinking, and they stare at me in disbelief, change the subject and dont even give it a thought. Ive been researching NWO, Underground bases, Aliens, Im even trying to make a timeline of all the events (Which is hard when I work 9 hours and have a child to raise but when I do have spare time I work on it, and when Im done I plan on posting it.)Ive been reading and studying all of these things half of my life, since I was 12 and am now 25... I think I have a pretty good perception when it comes to BS and when something actually seems possible and is relateable to other events. You would think that when I speak to them, they would atleast give me the benifit of the doubt to just listen... not hear, but really listen to me...instead of telling me "I spend to much time on nothing..." Its quite aggravating...I told my fiance even if its fifty years from now when the S*IT hits the FAN they are all gonna be like "Damn, we should of paid attention, StarrGazer...what do we do now?" And by then Im gonna tell them....Im to old to care LOL

posted on May, 26 2010 @ 11:48 PM
The world can't handle the truth! Humanity is full of deceit and corruption. Just look at the world and see how things are. I try to make people realize what is going on and they could care less. TPTB don't care about you or me. They care about power and corruption.

A few words from george carlin:

posted on May, 26 2010 @ 11:54 PM
I guess it all comes down to what kind of truth are you looking for, perceived truth or factual truth. What happened or what you want to happen, what is or what you want. It is a hard concept for some to get it through their heads that somethings are happening because it is not what they want to happen. I hope that makes sense.

posted on May, 26 2010 @ 11:55 PM
reply to post by monkofmimir

The tortoise and the hair!

Slowly but surely wins the race.

posted on May, 27 2010 @ 04:01 AM
I once tried to tell people that Undertakers really stole the bodies and put bricks into the coffins after the relatives were gone.
But no one believed me.
Now body parts is big business, they still call me weird.
But the naive will always believe in fairy tales.

posted on May, 27 2010 @ 04:07 AM

Originally posted by monkofmimir
It seems to me our (conspiracy theorists) biggest problem is people have preconceived idea about the world (usually based on what the media/friends/family say) and trying to convince a lot of people even when there obviously wrong is often near impossible, especially if they're passionate about the subject.

Personally the only success I've had is with, slowly making people realise the truth.

Most of the theories on here could be resolved near over night if they had widespread public support.

How do we wake people up to the truths of this world?

Have any of you had any success with this?

[edit on 26-5-2010 by monkofmimir]

I have tried to promote the truth to my family, friends, work collegues etc.....but they just don't get it....some get emotional and even angry, they just can't handle the I joined ATS as I won't get ridiculed.

posted on May, 27 2010 @ 04:19 AM
reply to post by monkofmimir

Don't give up.

I was in my mid 40's before I began to realise that
- politicians do not necessarily care about their electorates,
- powerful, wealthy people are just as likely to conspire, rob and murder as poor people, but much less likely to be caught,
- novels are simplistic and easy to believe, in contrast to the convoluted apparent impossibilities of real life.

And that awakening was despite playing Mata Hari myself in my late teens, and discovering that a Commie group in Melbourne, (similar to the Weather Underground,) was run by an Israeli who pretended to be from Russia, and financed by an Israeli bank.

Incidents regarding 9/11 which are still unknown, even by conspiracy theorists, opened my eyes to the ongoing deception.

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